Tread Lightly

My response to the THE LIST from James Ach

Breaking Baptist
Breaking Baptist


“If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course… would be to tread lightly…”

Those absolutely ICONIC words were said by the Great Heisenberg when confronted and with his back to the wall in the final season of Breaking Bad.

Today, I find myself backed into a corner along with several anonymous “ANON” friends who are being attacked by some hate filled, fundamental Baptist evangelist named James Ach. He first showed up on the scene spouting lunacy about homosexuals, corrupt churches, and the King James Bible on my weekly Fundy Rundown. In the past week he has apparently taken a break from his dynamic and time consuming ministry to compile “The List” of all the Anon Accounts and has sunk to taking cheap shots at my friend, Back Row Baptist.

Mr Ach, you are irrelevant and so out of touch with ANYTHING that our Lord Jesus Christ ever stood for. To be brutally honest, Anon accounts exist because people like you have HURT so many of the people behind the accounts you attempt to slander. It gives them a voice without fear of more hurt, labeling, and shunning. Accounts like mine and The Holiest Man offer HEALING if you could believe such a thing like that. I exist to point out and laugh at things that preachers and pastors say that are completely unbiblical. My followers enjoy the chuckle and blatant hypocrisy of people in the “Old Paths” faction. We are not evil — we are just having fun… something you may want to consider from time to time!

I would COMPLETELY understand your zeal for the Lord if any of us were preaching another Gospel, teaching heresy, or speaking blasphemy. However, the sad reality is that YOU sir are the one preaching another Gospel. A Gospel so devoid of love and grace that it looks nothing like what the Apostle Paul laid out for us in his epistles. For a man who boasts of having memorized the New Testament, I think you have forgotten some key parts of it.

Pulling stunts like you have done this past weekend will only get more attention from the Anon Community and lead to MORE anon accounts. After all, more and more people are wanting to make your prestigious “LIST”! In closing, Mr. Ach I hope you have your BLOCK button ready because you will have more replies and comments from the Anon accounts than any of your real followers. For your troubles, as Vice President of Holiest U, we are awarding you an Honorary Doctorate of Holiness! Great job, Doc — Keep keeping on!




Breaking Baptist
Breaking Baptist

If you don’t know who I am… Maybe your best course would be to tread lightly! Former Pastor, Lover of Scripture, Broken By Grace!