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Breaking Character
Breaking Character
Samuel French’s online magazine for those who make theatre happen. Providing industry news, engaging content, and the best resources.
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A Toast to Samuel French at Royal Court

Last Friday, Samuel French’s London Bookshop officially opened at the Royal Court Theatre! Douglas Schatz, Managing Director of Samuel French Ltd, toasted the Bookshop and its creation during the evening’s event. Below, you’ll find his inspiring remarks.

BIG HEART: La Cage at Cortland Rep

I fell in love with La Cage aux Folles when I first saw the film in its first theatrical release. I was about Jean-Michel’s age at the time. What struck me right away was how “normal” life was for Georges and Albin. They were in show business, successful, and very much…

Warrior of Change: The World of Dominique Morisseau

This past October, we were proud to honor Dominique Morisseau at our 2017 Samuel French Awards. Below, Executive Producer of the Apollo Theater Kamilah Forbes shares her speech that she made while presenting Dominique with the award.