Installation at Lichthaus, Bremen, 2001


Four-flights tall scaffolding installation and poster, 2001

Alex Villar
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2013


Outerplace, a project developed with Katya Sander, makes use of the language of science-fiction to tap into the immediate reality of Groebelingen, Bremen, a working class neighborhood in Germany on the verge of socio-economic change given the construction of a sci-fi themed mall complex. Two main interventions characterize this collaborative project: a poster and an installation.

The poster invites people to ‘act normal’ in the imminence of an on-the-making sci-fi film; it was posted throughout the city preceding a projects of interviews with local inhabitants, community workers
and reporters.

The installation, a four-flights-tall scaffolding structure, created an alternative access to the Lichthaus building that let to a sci-fi themed cinema, set in the building’s fourth floor bathroom.

This project was commissioned by Lichthaus, Bremen, Germany

