Python in Excel: Initial Impressions ๐Ÿ + ๐Ÿ“Š

Data Analysis Without Leaving Your Worksheet

Parul Pandey
Breaking the Jargons


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This is a slightly modified and updated version of my previous article, Diving Deeper into Stock Data Analysis with Python in Excel. It includes additional insights and my latest experiences with using the feature.

A few months back, Microsoft Excel introduced a new feature known as โ€” Python in Excel. To put it more subtly, this new feature enables harnessing the power of Python within the familiar Excel interface. This integration allows users to execute Python code directly in Excelโ€™s formula bar.

The implications of this integration can vary depending on your line of work. For Excel users, it opens up the door to leverage advanced Python features such as visualization and Pandas for data analysis. Conversely, Python users can seamlessly collaborate with Excel users within the Excel environment, eliminating the need to switch back and forth between Jupyter notebooks and Excel.

I decided to explore this new feature, evaluating its advantages and disadvantages, and documenting my experiences in this article. To illustrate its capability and convenience, let's delve into a case study of analyzing Amazonโ€™s stock prices and conducting fundamental time series operations. To be clear from the outset, I plan to replicate anโ€ฆ



Parul Pandey
Breaking the Jargons

Principal Data Scientist | Author of Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications