NJ Marathon Training W2

Getting into a groove.

Reuben A. Ingber
5 min readJan 23, 2019


Crushing my 10-mile PR at the SRC Run to the Bluepoint Brewery (Photo by Cheer Everywhere)

On deck this past week was a big set of workouts aimed at helping me get into the groove of training. It was a good week with some really well executed workouts and quality easy runs.

Also on the schedule is the Sayville Running Company Run to the Bluepoint Brewery. A 10-mile race in Long Island, I was really excited to get a benchmark for where I am in my training right now.

Week Execution Goal

This week is all about building a solid base in all the facets of marathon training — running, nutrition & recovery. My running focus is on consistency and maintaining the written paces. Nutrition is all about tracking, finally recovery is about sleep and taking easy days easy.


My strength session went really well with Andy. I am really starting to see myself getting stronger at exercises and movements that a few months ago I could barely do 1 rep of. Now I am doing full sets with excellent form.

Had an easy 3 on the schedule after my strength session, decided to do a quick run out of Custom Performance and down the East River a bit. Felt good, but it was cold and I went to fast. Making the easy days easy will undoubtedly make the hard days better.

Intensity Score: 4/10 | Mileage: 3 | Run on Strava


On the schedule 30 minutes, repeating 2 minutes at 8:40/mile and 1 minute recovery (9:30/mile), plus the warm up and cool down. Got a really bad night sleep, could not quiet down my brain. I was able to put together a decent run but my head was not into it. Focusing on the run is so important.

Intensity Score: 8/10 | Mileage: 5.2 | Run on Strava


Easy run with my good friend Brandon, out and back on the West Side Highway. A super easy effort but going faster then I wanted too. Sometimes it is so hard to run easy and slow down, when run fast feels easy.

Did a strength workout from Runners World after the run. Felt so good and strong!

Intensity Score: 5/10 | Mileage: 4 | Run on Strava


The deep freeze set in and its only getting colder, but the Streets101 workout goes on. Had a strong and hard run, 40 minutes repeating 2 minutes at 10K effort (sub 8:00/mile) and 3 minute at marathon pace (9:00/mile). Greg paced me for the first 3 or 4 rounds. I really enjoy having someone alongside me, it helps keep me focused and keeps me from going out to fast. Really enjoying going fast!

Had some pain in my left ankle but nothing to be worried about. I was STARVING and EXHAUSTED all day after the workout.

Something to note on these Thursday workouts, the past 2 Thursday’s I’ve been able to clock 7 miles in just over an hour. A year ago, I was happy to get to 6 miles in an hour. This feels like real progress and a big victory.

I also went back to Yoga 4 Runners at New York Health and Racquet Club, really enjoying it and finding it super relaxing. Waiting to see the benefits.

Intensity Score: 8/10 | Mileage: 7miles | Run on Strava


Friday remains an optional day for me or a make up day if I mess up the schedule earlier in the week. Had a poor nights sleep, there was snow on the ground and I had a race scheduled on Saturday so I took the day off.

Intensity Score: 0/10 | Mileage: 0

Streets 101 represent with Matthew Luke Meyer

Saturday — Race Day

Race morning my buddy and coach Matt met me at my place and we drove to Patchogue for the SRC Run to the Bluepoint Brewery. The 10-mile race is a small community race with about 1500 runners and sells out pretty quickly. We were pretty excited to run.

We got to the start area about an hour before the race and hung around for a bit. Then I went for a mile warm up jog just to loosen up the body and work any kinks out of my legs. This is new for me typically, I’d show up to a race and just run the race. I ran about a mile and then did some strides to get some turnover in my legs. Took a Science in Sport gel and then went over to the starting line.

The horn went off and I shot out like a canon. I crushed the first 2 miles at 8:04 pace, going way too fast for me at least — it wasn’t sustainable. I pulled back caught my breath and my next mile was 9:04, finally over then next few miles I got into a groove. I hit mile 8 and realized if I kept pushing I would have a killer new personal best.

I tucked in and start picking people off over the next 2 miles I cruised past a ton of folks and felt great. Got onto the home stretch and I dropped the hammer, completing the final mile in 8:14.

My final time 1:25:05, a 4:11 Personal Best. At the finish I was so happy about the PR, but part of me was a little disappointed five seconds separated me from a sub 1:25 race. I know its a small thing but its something I want. I love the 10-mile distance so I will have another chance to chase another PR soon.

Intensity Score: 9/10 | Mileage: 11 | Run on Strava


Rest and recovery is essential to good training. Sunday was a scheduled off day so I went to a Foam Rolling 101 class (no association with the team) at Stretch Relief. I have a foam roller at home and I use it from time to time, but I want to be more effective and consistent. The class taught me better ways to use it and how to stretch better. So it was a win, definitely going to go back to keep improving.

Intensity Score: 0/10 | Mileage: 0

Weekly Summary

Overall it was a successful week, a few solid workout, only one terrible and a new personal best.

Weekly Mileage: 30.1 miles — 5 runs—2 Strength — 1 Yoga — 1 Foam Rolling

