5 Key Takeaways for Democrats from Recent Election Victories Against Far Right in France and UK

Wayne Ince


France Eiffel Tower

The recent successes of liberal parties in France and the UK, surpassing the right-wing parties, provide valuable lessons for Democrats in the US. These victories show effective strategies to counter the rise of right-wing populism and achieve electoral success. Here are five essential insights I believe can convince Democrats to gain from these successes. This is not an all-inclusive listing, but it is my best attempt to move the conservation past debates on ageism and populism.

1. Embrace a Hopeful Leader

The victories in France and the UK elections underline the importance of a democratic leader focused on its citizens’ social welfare and economic equality. Through their exceptional leadership qualities, Emmanuel Macron in France and Keir Starmer in the UK could inspire their parties and appeal to diverse voters, not just a population subsection.

A leader who is appealing and full of hope can make positive accomplishments. Effectively mobilizing supporters allows them to communicate their vision and connect with voters. By adopting this leadership approach, Democrats can overcome divisions and appeal to a broad range of voters, countering right-wing ideologies.



Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices