About Face #2

Wayne Ince
5 min readJul 18, 2024


This is the second installment of the About Face Newsletter.

Articles of Interest…



Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Are You Prepared to Cast Your Vote?

Living in a thriving democracy like ours means that the power to shape the future of our nation lies in the hands of those who’re eligible to vote. With the 2024 elections approaching it’s crucial for us to understand the significance of voting rights and actively participate in the process. This newsletter post emphasizes why voting is important stresses the urgency of voter registration and pays tribute to Senator John Lewis, a figure in the fight for voting rights. By voting and staying informed we can fulfill our civic duty and contribute to building a stronger and more inclusive democracy.

The Significance of Voting Rights

In a society voting is not just a right but also a responsibility. As members of society we have the power to shape the future of our communities and influence the direction of our country through our votes. By exercising our right to vote we can play a role in making decisions that affect our lives, families and nation.

Numerous individuals have worked tirelessly to secure representation and voting rights turning the right to vote into a valuable privilege that was hard won through struggle. It’s essential for us to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those who came before us and prioritize meeting the needs of generations. Participating in elections is a way for us to demonstrate our commitment to upholding values that are fundamental, to our nations identity.
The importance of voting rights lies in their ability to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate in governing society. Voting gives a voice to marginalized and underrepresented groups allowing them to influence decisions affecting their lives and hold those in power. It goes beyond choosing candidates; the policies and priorities we shape through voting define our communities and our collective future.

Lets take action: Support Democracy

In a world facing growing uncertainty voting has become crucial for safeguarding the process. With the election in November 2024 it is vital for us as citizens to recognize the significance of this moment and fulfill our civic responsibility by taking voting seriously. Each vote not expresses support for a candidate or party but also upholds the democratic principles on which our nations were founded. Voting empowers us to shape tomorrow and amplify the voices of people within positions of authority.

The stakes are high. Around the globe democracy is under threat. Authoritarian leaders are suppressing society, independent media and political dissent. Populist movements are spreading misinformation, challenging norms and eroding trust, in democratic institutions. In such an environment voting serves as a form of opposition.
Demonstrating support for those fighting for their rights and freedoms is a gesture. We are committed to speaking out and standing firm regardless of any efforts to silence or intimidate us. Our statement reflects our dedication to upholding freedom, equality and justice.

The upcoming election is not a typical political event; it represents a critical battle for the core of democracy itself. The decisions we make when we enter the voting booth will determine whether we emerge stronger and more united as a nation or give in to forces that seek to divide and weaken us. The stakes are high not for our countries but for the very essence of democracy. It’s time for all of us to step up take action by exercising our right to vote and ensure that our voices are heard loud and clear. The future of democracy rests in our hands. We must seize this opportunity to build a better, more just and democratic tomorrow.

Remembering Senator John Lewis; A Champion of Voting Rights

The late Senator John Lewis remains a figure in the fight for voting rights and equality. Born in Alabama in 1940 Lewis was a civil rights activist and lawmaker who played a role, in the Civil Rights Movement.
His steadfast commitment to safeguarding voting rights and advocating for justice established him as a symbol of the movement to countless individuals.

Lewis gained prominence in 1965 at the age of 25 when he played a pivotal role in leading a march for voting rights over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. This historic event, marred by violence from state troopers and known as “Bloody Sunday “ marked a turning point. Despite facing obstacles and setbacks throughout his life Lewis remained dedicated to the principles of justice and equality.

During his political career Senator Lewis represented Georgia in the U.S. Congress as a U.S. Representative from 1987 until his passing in 2020. His unwavering commitment to justice and lifelong advocacy for expanded voting rights elevated him to become an influential figure on both national and international stages. The enduring legacy of Senator Lewis stands as a testament to the impact of bravery and determination.

In light of the November 2024 elections it is crucial for all eligible voters to understand the importance of their engagement, in the electoral process. Voting is not just a privilege; it is a responsibility that forms the bedrock of a thriving democracy. Through our votes we hold the power to shape our communities, our nation and the future that lies ahead.

It is vital to recognize that registering to vote is a essential step that every citizen should take seriously.
By signing up to vote you make sure that your opinions are taken into account and that you play a role in shaping the direction of our society. Various tools are accessible to aid individuals in registering to vote such as registration portals and voter registration events organized by local communities.

In essence voting serves as the foundation of democracy enabling citizens to influence their communities and the country. It’s essential for citizens to value voting as both a privilege and a duty. As we honor the legacy of John Lewis, who devoted his life to this cause it’s crucial for us to commit to exercising this right and ensuring that our voices are not silenced. I encourage everyone to pledge to register and participate in the November 2024 election, for the betterment of our democracy. The aspirations we have for tomorrow.



Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices