Take a Little Off the Top — Military Veterans Deserve Better

Wayne Ince
3 min readMay 16, 2023


Military suicides remain high! Especially in the enlisted ranks, where many young families require government assistance, mainly when stationed in high-cost-of-living areas, a lack of help often leads to homelessness. A GOP, Republican, Speaker McCarthy has targeted service and VA health care. Republicans call spending cut claims to be false and lies. Nonetheless, they accuse the White House of fearmongering-really? But which party uses Fox News media to peddle conservative propaganda? Which party gave the wealthiest citizens significant tax cuts? Which party consistently works to block assists, voting rights, human rights, and LGBTQ rights? Which party has aligned themselves with a Neo-Nazi organization? Racism, anyone? Oh, right. Nothing to see here. After all, just because the racists Neo-Nazi group in Ohio supports Republican state bills attacking the LGBTQ community doesn’t mean anything! LOOK THE OTHER WAY.

Take a Little Off the Top

Photo by Filip Andrejevic on Unsplash

“The GOP proposal does not specifically cut VA funding, but it would cap the overall amount of money the government can spend, leaving it to the Appropriations Committee to determine later, which departments would get cuts and which ones wouldn’t.” (military.com) GOP will not sign any justice in policing bill that includes qualified immunity but will gladly not interfere with police departments receiving military equipment used to over police communities of color.

The GOP has always revealed its intentions and feigned insult or outrage when called out for their blatant hypocrisy. I mean, they love “locker room” talk. What’s a little misogyny between political party members? Remember a couple years ago when GOP Sen. Lindsay Graham lied (changed his mind) about judicial vacancies? He said one thing and did the opposite! He was the Judiciary Committee chair.

I prefer an honest discourse and transparent plan of their cuts rather than the tired bait and switch! Any social assistance or the mere appearance of government helping to improve lives is seen by conservatives as government weakness! It's a pity Republicans must see suffering to be victorious and joyful! Maybe white supremacy is fueled by the screams of hungry babies and tortured afflicted minorities and their devalued humanity-strength in numbers and those with weapons? Let’s end systemic racism before we discuss “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.” An actual color-blind society that professes liberty, justice, and freedom, but then enlists citizens to fight for freedom but does the opposite within its borders is hypocrisy at best and failure at worst. Please end qualified immunity and implement civilian community law enforcement boards because any justice conversation must not begin with allowing wanton murdering of innocent minority citizens by protecting law enforcement. Not all law enforcement shoot to kill their suspects, George Floyd (murdered on a public street live on camera, Breonna Taylor (shot to death in her apartment by police with a no-knock warrant), Ahmaud Arbery (racial hate crime, but law enforcement used guilt before innocence because the suspect was black) show the deadly force used disproportionately against African-Americans. Military veterans defend our nation, swearing to uphold their oath of duty, so why can’t American Law Enforcement abide by the same code of conduct and ethics? The “blue line” is not a value, but a cord tightly wound around the law enforcement voice of integrity. Silence is compliance.




Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices