10X Thinking

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2020

Most of dreamer do 10x thinking but when they actually act, its 0 to 10% . so what is 10x thinking ?

Photo by David Sinclair on Unsplash

What is 10x thinking ?

  • Think beyond the future
  • Never afraid of failures
  • Users might like it

So who does 10x thinking ?

Tech folks confidently point to Google and Amazon, it does not mean rest of the top organizations are not doing it! Atleast Google, publishes the data to explain its thinking to the world.

The story of innovation has not changed. It has always been a small team of people who have a new idea, typically not understood by people around them and their executives.

— Eric Schmidt, Chairman, Google

Google 10x dominates every decade

  1. Search — Nobody reached their pinnacle yet.
  2. Gmail — once doubted free service but now everyone owns a domain.
  3. Chrome — IE not great yet, safari sucks always.
  4. Maps — No more AA paper maps and now few knows which direction is North without maps.
  5. Andriod — Powers most % of mobile in the world.
  6. K8s — Competitors like AWS,Azure are advertising their k8s is better.

How Google has dictated digital thining ?

Every organization is behind Google’s thinking and rushing towards its ideas.

  1. Mobile First — Changed all organizations to go mobile, even government institutions. Latest is flutter, code once run in all devices.
  2. Cloud First — Not just kubernetes but Anthos which makes you multicloud instantly. Sometimes answers hard leadership questions, what can I do with my current on-prem investments.
  3. AI First — Solve everything by machine learning, let humans be creator of ideas. All organizations are now behind data which was keen on purging to save money few years ago!
  4. Quantum Computing First , rest of the industries are still in AI. Pharma, the nextgen industries going to need that badly.

Can rest of us achieve 10x?

Believe its possbile, if we follow some principles,

  • Never wait for leadership — if you wait for someone’s drive, you will stop dreaming.
  • Be a dreamer — Think big, crazy and remember your thoughts.
  • Document everything — write down all ideas, figure a roadmap and learn the obstacles.
  • Be a learner — Enahce your skill, get help & break it down to simplify.
  • Help others — Sometimes you will find out, only you can do it easily and the world needs a product from you.

