Leadership — Judgement

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2 min readSep 9, 2020

Judgement is most impeccable quality of a leader. Everybody can decide on something but how many decisions were right, most of the time.

Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

எண்ணித் துணிக கருமந் துணிந்தபின்
எண்ணுவ மென்ப திழுக்கு.( 467)

Thiruvalluvar says in Kural 467:
“Any task should be started after a deep thinking.
Reconsidering the decision later is a disgrace.”

Traits of good judgement

  • Unbiased
  • Facts based
  • Good Morale
  • Validating the unknown
  • Empathy
  • Multiple perspective

Do’s for better judgement

  • Never answer immediately, analyze
  • Analyze deeper
  • Ask — What If
  • Never pick from your experience , understand the complexity
  • Break down the complexity
  • Remove the adjectives, look for the verb
  • Open to views

Have you made any decisive decisions ?

  • How did you handle a demanding product owner ?
  • Describe a time you made a mistake ?
  • Tell me about a time you applied judgment to a decision when data was not available
  • Tell me about a time you had very little information about a project but still had to move forward and resolved it.
  • Tell me about a time you did not see eye to eye with your manager and how you resolved it.
  • Tell me about a time there was a conflict between members of your team and how you resolved it.
  • How do you handle someone who really wants a promotion but isn’t ready?
  • Tell me a time you had a conflict with another manager and how it went.

Behaviour Interview inputs

Everyone is NOT a great story teller. STAR approach is great guideline but your mind will go all around because you want to dump all, stop doing that

Use keywords

  • 1 min honest story — is yours, Never fake. Please dig your experiences.
  • In Task — felt responsible, need to guide, no one was stepping in, chance to prove my analytical skill, remove obstacles
  • In Action — Analysed, showed examples, explained the gap, created roadmap, executed, went beyond to find the unknown, took help from other leaders
  • Outcome — your honest story outcome, both positive or negative with stating Because…

Books to read to lead

