Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020

The Goal of the article is to explain

  1. What is OPA
  2. Why its important now
  3. When we can leverage
  4. Where its required
  5. Who can levereage

What is OPA ?

Its an open source policy agent. It decouples the complexity of policy making from policy decision taking from a stack. Policies are json based and decision making is pure declarative.

Why its important now ?

Given all the systems are distributed components, multi-platforms, polygot based services the old generation model of controlling policy in a centralized place is getting harder, time consuming and not agile. Now we can make the policy enforcement in a distributed computing fashion without fear of failure, availability and performant.

When can we leverage ?

Policies are almost required in all lifecycle of SDLC — code, deployment, auditing, security all need policy checking and policy enforcement. Now all these key areas can use one principle and model to achieve 100% expected security.

Where its required most ?

  1. Docker — Are my images latest and greatest to be less vulnerable ?
  2. EC2 — Are my EC2s having right security groups ?
  3. GCP — Image binary checks and Labels.
  4. HTTP Roles checking — when roles can be strict and growing granular!
  5. DevOps — Removing hardcoding of rules in jenkins file
  6. UI — as Feature Flag product, A/B Testing enabler.
  7. Multi cloud auditing ( AWS / GCP/ Azure )— looking for tag and enforce

Who can leverage ?

AWS tags check — without aws tools if you are multi-cloud. Ex- here looking for costcenter tag in lambda


package aws.lambda

deny[msg] {
value := input.Tags.costcenter

# Check if the label value is formatted correctly.
not startswith(value, “dept-”)

msg := sprintf(“Costcenter code must start with `dept-`; found `%v`”, [value])

Sample lambda tag

“Tags”: {
“costcenter”: “dept-1”,
“owner”: “teamA”

DevOps Check

package kubernetes.validating.images

deny[msg] {

input.request.kind.kind == “Pod”
image := input.request.object.spec.containers[i].image
not startswith(image, “breakitdown.com/”)
msg := sprintf(“Image ‘%v’ comes from untrusted registry”, [image])

JWT/Roles check

package app.rbac

# By default, deny requests.
default allow = false

# Allow the action if the user is granted permission to perform the action.
allow {
# Find grants for the user.
some grant

# Check if the grant permits the action.
input.action == grant.action
input.type == grant.type

# user_is_granted is a set of grants for the user identified in the request.
# The `grant` will be contained if the set `user_is_granted` for every…
user_is_granted[grant] {
some i, j

# `role` assigned an element of the user_roles for this user…
role := data.user_roles[input.user][i]

# `grant` assigned a single grant from the grants list for ‘role’…
grant := data.role_grants[role][j]

How can you run OPA Agent ?

Dockerized is the simplest way, otherwise as script ( testing purposes )

How can you create/test OPA Policy quickly ?

Every cloud provider has different tools but when your organization is going to be multicloud — separating out the policy checker as platform agnostic is a must is my thought.

