Forget Everything I Said About Covered Press

They pivoted, but I’ve got a step-by-step pitching routine that works

Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing


Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash

I am chuckling as I write this. Almost immediately after I put together a bit of a tirade answering questions generated by my story Right Now, Writers Can Make Money — Lot’s of It, particularly the questions concerning my non-existent financial connection to a site called Covered Press, that site stopped helping freelance writers connect with editors.

Stone cold stopped. No warning they were going to wipe out previous pitches or saved editor lists. All of that is gone, replaced with a platform to help writers connect with publicists seeking to pitch their products.

Because I am testing the new platform, NOW I do have a financial interest in Covered Press. If you are a publicist trying to pitch me on something you must subscribe to me on CP in order to gain access to my current needs and story assignments, in which case, I will be paid a portion of the subscription fee.

Here’s how you can make use of that as a writer

If you aren’t already being bombarded by PR peeps in your email inbox, you may not even be aware that though the bombardment can be annoying, these people can be great sources of ideas for stories. Sometimes…



Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing

30-year freelancer. Found on: Newsweek, The Points Guy, Cruise Critic, MSN Travel, Writing Cooperative. Falcon Guide author.