I Spent 2 Hours and Ten Minutes Building a Free Godaddy Website

It has a blog, photo galleries, subscriber email signup and more.

Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing


The heading of my free GoDaddy Website + Marketing site. Screen capture by Melinda Crow.

If you follow my work here on Medium, you’ll know I love to try new things that have the potential to help writers and report back on how it went. My latest adventure was building a free website on Godaddy. First things first, there are no affiliate links in this story. Godaddy has an affiliate program through CJ.com, but I haven’t signed up for that yet. Let’s dive into the basics.

Note: I already had some surplus unpublished content written and edited, which made it easier to get the blog started.

Why should you build a website?

As I’ve said before, success as almost any kind of writer is often pinned to your visibility. Here’s my list of writers who cannot afford to hide in the shadows of obscurity:

  • Freelancers
  • Content creators
  • Non-fiction book authors
  • Novelists
  • Bloggers
  • Ghost writers
  • Journalists
  • Poets
  • Self-publishers



Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing

30-year freelancer. Found on: Newsweek, The Points Guy, Cruise Critic, MSN Travel, Writing Cooperative. Falcon Guide author. https://melindacrow.substack.com/