I’m Hauling in the Cash Writing, Are You?

Answers to your questions about how to capitalize on the current demand for writers

Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing


Photo by Tristan Gassert on Unsplash

At the end of last month I put together a quick story about the state of the job market for writers: Right Now, Writers Can Make Money — Lots of It. It was based on a couple of things. The first is what I am personally experiencing and hearing from other writers, editors, and PR people regarding the high demand for freelance writers. My second source of information is the quantity and quality of editor story requests I found on a relatively new site called Covered Press, which was formerly PitchWhiz.

My story has done quite well and continues to generate comments and questions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the gracious responses. I thought I’d address some of the most pertinent comments and questions, as well as dive a little deeper into what I know about hauling in the cash writing right now.

Commenter: The spotlight is where?….

Me: Google, by way of a multitude of profiles, portfolios, and online stories.

I found this to be one of the most intriguing questions the story generated. I thought I had been pretty clear about where the spotlight is when you want to be a writer in demand. You should have profiles and…



Melinda Crow
Breakout Writing

30-year freelancer. Found on: Newsweek, The Points Guy, Cruise Critic, MSN Travel, Writing Cooperative. Falcon Guide author. https://melindacrow.substack.com/