Designing for the World of Tomorrow, Joins Breakout Labs Portfolio

Renee Shenton
Breakout Ventures
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2017 is one of the newest companies to join the Breakout Labs family. combines the power of nanoscale simulations and cloud computing to develop new, better materials at a much faster rate. capabilities can predict a variety of physical properties of materials (light absorption spectra, electronic mobility, thermal conductivity, hardness, equilibrium crystal structures etc.) solely based on atomic composition. Their all-in-one integrated development environment merges material design and informatics, with original models that quickly deliver highly accurate, actionable insights, on a massively parallel high performance-computing platform. Fortune 500 customers use its cloud-based platform to virtually test materials and speed up their prototyping process in order to shorten the concept-to-product time from 10 years to 5 years or less.
You can read some of their case studies here.

Led by founder Timur Bazhirov, the San Francisco based team combines top-tier academic knowledge with real-world experience from leaders in enterprise materials modeling. The company’s advisory board includes Marvin Cohen (ex-president of American Physical Society), Steven Louie, KJ Cho (globally recognized materials experts), Chris Kemp (former CTO of NASA) and Nikita Shamgunov (CTO of MemSQL). also completed and received funding from Alchemist, an accelerator dedicated to enterprise startups, in May 2015.

With Breakout Labs’ funding, will expand the applicability of highly accurate simulations to realistic materials that are large in size, removing the requirements for specialized hardware and achieving significant increases in production speed.

