A maskless Vice President Mike Pence tours the Mayo Clinic this week, which requires masks

The Sudden Rise Of “Anti-Maskers”

What’s the big deal about wearing masks in public? People wear clothing…

Eric J Scholl
Published in
6 min readMay 1, 2020


It’s easy to scapegoat a flimsy looking mask as an instrument of fear and turn it into a “the government can’t tell me what I can do” thing. Not wearing one is also a visible way to show allegiance to the side you’re on, and who you support politically. Unfortunately, the consequences could be deadly. Because not wearing a mask is not a way of proving you’re willing to sacrifice your own life. It’s a way of proving you’re willing to sacrifice somebody else’s.

And it’s a real problem that the nation’s top leader is not willing to set an example. Even in settings that would really seem to call for it.

Vice President Mike Pence didn’t wear a mask this week when he visited the Mayo Clinic this week. Even though the Mayo Clinic has a strict mask wearing policy. Pence’s excuse was confounding: that he wanted to be able to look healthcare workers “in the eye and say ‘thank you.’” Because masks don’t prevent you from looking anyone in the eye. So he’d only really have a point if he’d wanted to kiss or lick someone… Or…he was envisioning what would happen when he had to look his boss in the eye if he did wear a mask.

So Pence didn’t wear a mask because he didn’t want President Trump — “I won’t be



Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report" www.thechaosreport.com