The clock is ticking. It’s time! What you thought would go until eternity is just a year ahead. Just 365 more days left before you depart from this world. Just 1 year from now and you would be dead. What would you do? How will you manage your time? Who would you meet? Would you live the same way as you are living today? If your answer to the last question is “NO”, things have got to change in your life, my dear friend! It really does! Sounds scary, right?

Well, one of my friends is in the same condition. And trust me, if you are not in his place, you are luckier than 99.9% people of the world. Because you have got a life to live!!
Can we live a little more every day? Just a little more!! Can we shorten the sleeping time, the laziness, the procrastination we have been doing for years, start that morning walk routine which we wanted to do for years, read that book we kept postponing, meet new people, catch up on family and friends, laugh a little more, go out for that trip we always wanted to take, leave that binge drinking habit, forgive all those who hurt us and begin a new life, and start executing everything on our TO DO LIST??
Can’t we, for just this one time, JUST DO IT??

You have no idea what tomorrow is going to bring! What are you waiting for? Hmm…??
You know what is the biggest regret of a person on a death bed??

I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

Do you want to have a regretful life flashing towards the end? NO!!!!
It is your life and you design it!! Yes, I use the word “DESIGN” by living it every day, every hour, every minute. You make it what it is and how it will be from now on. Why do you wait for a New Year to make a resolution only to break it within a week or a month? Why not now? Why not today? Remember, the clock is ticking. 365 days!!! Tick-tock, tick tock!!

Let’s do a small activity here

Let’s make a bucket list. Like now!! Yes, take that pen and paper or open up the notes app in your phone and write down a list of all the things that you ever wanted to do. Think as a child. What you want from life. Everything!! What is it that you desire, that you crave, that you really want, that you can’t live without! What are those things that you would do, if you were to die tomorrow!!

Whether you want to take a trip to that African forest or gamble in Vegas, or eat the hell out of a 5-star restaurant, go swimming, gyming, cycling, running or start your own billion dollar business, write it all down!! See which of these seem the easiest and doable as of now to take a step forward.

Once you have the list, you know what you want from life. Go ahead. Plan to take a step in the direction of at least one of these, starting today, starting now, and get it executed within a week or a month.
How about you send me your wish list on if you wish to? Maybe I can help? Or maybe approach another friend of yours who could push you into taking a step forward?

I can maintain a record for you, help you plan, remind you timely, guide you and we work it out together to get you into achieving at least one of them. Once you see the results, it is a chain reaction. You get addicted to it and you start working on those other goals as well. And before you know it, you are already achieving things and going places!!

Why can’t we be a little crazy from now on? Crazy about designing a life of our choice, about living a little more every day, learning a lot more, being the best version of ourselves!!
I don’t know about you and how convinced you are, but some of my readers and I, are definitely
designing our life in the way we want and not in the way the world wants us to!! We are working
together on our goals, discussing new ideas, strategies and developing a new way of life, a better one!!

If you want in, you can talk to me one on one and share your goals, dreams and problems, do reach out on the email. If you want to reach out to the world and meet new people who are transforming their lives daily, we have a whatsapp groupwhere we talk, stay motivated and live a little more by pushing ourselves a little more every day. You can always opt-in and change your world!! Perhaps, someone else’s as well.

As always, I would like to end it with these words that make me jump out of bed every morning and live a little more:
“Stop Existing, Start Living!!”

