Putting Procrastination to the Death Bed

Arpit Agrawal
Breathing Alive


Ever cursed yourself for not starting a task sooner? The clock is ticking and the deadline is approaching. There is not enough time and so much to do. You are afraid about not meeting the deadline and you soon start cursing yourself for not starting it a little sooner. Ever happened to you?

Happens with everyone, my friend!! Whether it is the preparation for an exam, working on that project, starting your own business or anything else, you regret that you started it a lot sooner. Because my friend, you were busy scrolling through your Instagram feed when you were required to work the hell out of that project.

We all have been there. We still fail to prioritize important stuff owing to our commitments to social media, whatsapp and other distractions. As a result, we end up having regrets and it has a huge impact on our lives. Regrets bring more regrets and before we know it, it is a chain reaction.

Nothing has every killed more dreams than procrastination. And you my friend, need to work on it!!

Since you are reading this blog, I am assuming that you do want to get rid of your procrastination loop and start getting things together. Well, we will put procrastination to its death bed and start working on it NOW!!

We need to DEVELOP A SYSTEM for ourselves. We need to know where we would be spending our time and that starts with how we plan to spend the next day.
Here are some of the important steps to start living more, achieving more and getting things done.

  • Maintain a Journal

You need to know where you are spending your time. If you don’t keep track of your time, days will turn into weeks, months and then a year and before you know it, you have not reached any deadline that you set for the year. Hence, we need to maintain a journal.
Here are a list of things to track :

a) Set your goals for the year, for the month, for the week and then divide it into days.Write it down and then break it into small chunks. Remember, success comes with what you do consistently every day. Things add up and you see the results.
b) Plan your day ahead. You should know what all things you need to do tomorrow. When you have a list, you do not waste time. Decisions are better taken and work done is more.
c) Complete your daily work on that day itself. If you postpone it once, you would postpone it again. You cheat once and then you wouldn’t fear cheating again. So, do not give yourself the liberty to cheat.

  • Condition your brain to DO it

Programming your brain in the right direction is very important. If you have the right mindset, almost anything is achievable. Here is how to condition your brain in the right direction:

  1. Believe: Believe that you would be able to overcome procrastination and accomplish everything you decide.
  2. Start Small: Start small by taking small tasks at hand and completing it. Once you start doing those, you would start a chain reaction and move on to doing bigger things.
  3. Break it down: Break down bigger tasks into smaller counterparts and do those. Before you know it, you would be doing bigger things. Want to write a book? Break it into chapters and start by finishing one chapter. Before you know it, you have already completed 2nd, 3rd and 4th chapters as well.
  4. Be realistic: Set realistic goals for yourself. Once you see some results coming in, you would be aiming for more.
  • Keep the distractions away

See what makes you distracted when doing your work. Whether it’s social media, whatsapp, emails, calls or texts from your friends, or simply watching that TV show or YouTube videos, keep the distractions away. Instagram was a real time consumer for me. So, I had to delete my account in order to invest it in building this blog and the community. Take strict steps where it’s needed. Remember, you need to compromise on some things to achieve something better.

  • Be Strict on Yourself and your deadlines

A deadline means a deadline. You need to follow it. It is a race against yourself. If you have promised yourself or someone else that you would deliver it within this time, you WILL deliver it! You do not compromise on your words. You OWE it to yourself.

  • Reward Yourself

When you achieve something within your deadline and you feel good about it, go out and reward yourself for it. In fact, set the rewards beforehand.

One of my friends strictly follows the secret of WORK HARD, PARTY HARDER. He sets certain goals for himself when working on his studies, his work and every other aspect of life. Whenever he achieves it, he rewards himself immensely. Last year when he scored a great rank in national exam, he took a trip to THAILAND as a reward. Rewards are a great motivator.

  • Seek Our Help

If you are not able to do it on your own and seek motivation, helping you set a time table or any sort of help, we have a whole community from across the world working together on their goals. We stay in touch over WHATSAPP and EMAIL and everyone pursues their own goals by co-existing. We offer you a one-to-one mentoring as well for FREE, so that you could achieve better. You can reach out to me on iamstillalive@gmail.com.

Let’s follow this, set targets and achieve more. If you have beat procrastination and achieved something great out of it, we would love to hear your story. I am waiting for your stories. Share it in comments!


