Where Magic Happens!!

Arpit Agrawal
Breathing Alive


Do you see the image above? Look closely. Memorize it. Let it settle in your subconscious.

If you are reading this article, I believe you are trying to get out of that comfort zone and reach the place WHERE MAGIC HAPPENS!! I am trying to do the same. And running this blog and the community is the way forward for me. You people inspire me, motivate me and keep me going. So, let’s carry it forward.

Change is scary, isn’t it? When we think about changes, we get scared, uncomfortable and it’s pretty much natural. I was scared a little while ago, about losing that job, figuring out life, building wealth, starting my own business, trying to be an agent of change and the fact that I am 24 and still haven’t taken any step in that direction. So, I took the first step and I am motivated more than ever to work a little harder and live a little more.

Here are some things that we will be doing starting now to leave that comfort zone, sail in the sea of unknown and reach the place Where Magic Happens!! And once you reach there my friend, the feeling is totally different. It is phenomenal. It can only be felt. And we are going to do it! If you are in it with me, give yourself a loud cheer and let’s get started.

  • Take the first step

Taking the first step is usually the hardest. Once you take the first step, you initiate a chain reaction. A fantastic video by one of the motivational personalities I saw today, recommended that as soon as you wake up, start by making your bed. That’s a small task, isn’t it? But once you get started into doing a small task, you eventually condition yourself into doing even bigger tasks and it goes on and on.

Think of one thing that you always wanted to do and take the first step today. Like NOW!! Stop reading the article, go and take the first step and then come back to read it later!!

  • Show up daily. Even when it feels like giving up!! NO MERCY!!

The only option to succeed at something is CONSISTENCY. Unless you put in a consistent effort to do the things you started doing, there is no point starting it in the first place. Remember the purpose for which you started, the enthusiasm which made you do it, the results that you so desire to achieve and SHOW UP EVERYDAY. Giving up is not an option. Do it even when it feels like giving up. In fact, do it the most when it feels like giving up. It’s hard. I know!! But eventually you will see the results.

Everything is hard…before it is EASY!

  • Track your progress

Keeping the consistency alive after taking the first step is fantastic. But we need to do the smart work as well, along with the hard work. We need to track the progress that we have made so far, how are things going, how can they be better, how can we be more productive and try different things to see what works best for us. You should keep a track of your time, consistency and know what is the most productive time for you, how you can utilize it better and be the best version of yourself.

  • Be adaptive

Change is the only constant. Paradox? Yes, the biggest paradox perhaps.Which is why we need to be one step ahead of it. We need to be adaptive to changes. Very adaptive! It is easier said than done. I know. I live it too, every day. It’s very hard. Very hard!! But nothing ever is easy. So, adapt. Be tough and don’t give in to it. There is no reason for you to give up. The one who survives, thrives!

  • Be open to learning

The only way forward is to learn along the process. We can’t experiment and learn everything by making mistakes on our own. We need to learn from the mistakes that others have made so that we shorten the learning curve. And for that, we need to learn, we need to read/listen to podcasts or whatever be the learning medium that we find the best for ourselves.

  • Be grateful

Practice gratitude. It is essential. It motivates you. It makes you happier. And isn’t that the ultimate goal of life? To be happy! Unless you are grateful for the things you already have, you wouldn’t be as motivated to work for things you want to have. Being grateful makes you happier. Happiness makes you more productivity. More productivity gives better results and better results makes you happy. It is a cycle. The more gratitude you show, the happier you get!

  • Set OUT

In a world that is changing so fast, the biggest risk that anyone can take is not taking any risks. So, yes, SET OUT!! If you do NOT leave that comfort zone and set out into the sea of unknown, you will never find that island WHERE MAGIC HAPPENS! Take that risk now which you always wanted to. Go for that trip, for that dream, resign your job if you have to in order to set up your own company, go for that passion, be the artist of your life, design it in a manner you always wanted to!

The time to make a change, the time to make a decision, the time to set yourself FREE is always, always RIGHT NOW.

If you have any difficulty taking that first step forward to setting out into the sea of unknown or follow your passion and need any help, consider me your friend. I have lived that fear every day and I have overcome it. If you want to reach out, I am available at iambreathingalive@gmail.com

You can get one-to-one mentoring, get motivated, plan and live a more fruitful life.


