Women of the world, embrace your femininity as your strength.
One of the coolest things to accept is your femininity.
Male, female, neither, it doesn’t matter. To accept ones equal feminine element is to tear off and reject the conditioning that the feminine is weak, lesser, irrational, other.
Femininity is an essential quality for all humans to posses. It is the strength in gentility, bravery in what is soft, courage harmonious with emotionality, authority amid entropy, the knowing calm that is unyielding.
And femininity is not exclusively female, but universal. To achieve understanding of feminine as powerful and practical, one gains access to, and appreciation of, their femininity. This has a flow on effect regarding the way women are treated in society, both by men and by each other. Once the individual understands the value of the feminine, they come to accept woman as inherently equal to man. A sex of equally valid, intelligent reasoning, a sex possessing natural strength and an important place in society.
Although I can’t speak for men, and am in no way claiming to understand the male experience, I can say from my perspective it took a lot of time to…