Blockchain - это размывание границ и изменение формата отношений на мировом рынке недвижимости

Brem ICO
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2018

Blockchain Real Estate Market (BREM) - инвестиционный проект, возглавляемый экспертами по недвижимости и представляющий международную онлайн-платформу . - это функциональное место, использующее технологию blockchain и предназначенное для решения насущных проблем, которые как продавцы, так и покупатели, включая разработчиков, агентства недвижимости и инвесторов, ежедневно сталкиваются на рынке недвижимости.

Ниже перечислены некоторые проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются наши клиенты:

  • Отсутствие единой базы данных первичного или вторичного имущества внутри страны;
  • Нет единого шлюза для недвижимости за рубежом;
  • Бюрократический обход, связанный с приобретением недвижимости;
  • Длительные и дорогостоящие процедуры документации, особенно те, которые связаны с международными транзакциями или кредитами;
  • Высокий риск мошенничества при осуществлении платежей;
  • Проблемы прозрачности в транзакциях, приводящие к дополнительным средствам, потраченным на проверку собственности и документов.

As of today, the buyer has to use many Internet venues to select and collect information before taking a final decision, to waste time and money checking vendor reliability and that of property and to be present in person at different stages of the transaction. The main objective of real estate developers is to sell a property, while spending huge amounts of money on advertising, searching for and attracting investors and drawing on funds for transaction registration. In the secondary property market, sellers run a major risk of losing an apartment without being paid and of purchasing a “dirty” property, from a legal point of view.

Our team proposes a convenient and neat solution to the current challenges in the real estate market. is a portal that will contain a comprehensive database of Russian and global real estate property offered by developers; a secondary property database supplied by real estate agencies and individuals; a news bulletin providing you with current and relevant information about real estate; an advertising section; all the relevant online services for making a deal, along with developer, real estate agency and bank ratings.

Our team will apply the blockchain technology to implement our ideas generated over the years and to address issues related to transaction safety, transparency, reliability and mutual payments. All the stages of the transaction are recorded in the blockchain, from the first booking to contract registration, thus guaranteeing the reliability, safety and immutability of information, as well as a 24/7 access to it. A property’s background is thus formed over time.

Additional portal services will cut down the time it takes to purchase a property and will enable you to avoid the red tape.

From now on, real estate developers, agencies and individuals (buyers and sellers alike) can carry out real estate purchase and sale transactions from anywhere in the world, provided they have Internet access and the following tools:

  • Online real estate selection and comparison tools, 3D tours and video overviews;
  • Real estate developer and agency ratings and property backgrounds;
  • Booking services;
  • Online credit services (mortgages and P2P credit granting are coming soon);
  • Legal support and transaction registration;
  • Insurance;
  • Secured transactions. The portal serves as a mediator at time of payment under a contract, securing funds in an e-Wallet with pre-established payment conditions when paying with fiat money. If you prefer paying with cryptocurrency, both parties enter into a smart contract and execute it on pre-agreed terms;
  • Other user-friendly services based on state-of-the-art technologies.

BREM tokens are used, within the framework of the project, to pay for services that sellers — real estate developers, agencies and individuals — need to put property advertisements, execute smart projects, register deals and pay other services on the portal.

BREM tokens will be allocated as bonuses for active participation (bookings, transactions, purchase of advertising space, secondary property ads and so on) that you be able to exchange for the portal’s paid services or to sell on a crypto exchange.

So, what are the distinctive characteristics of the international portal? What is so special about us as compared to other real estate projects? Why is it worth investing in the development of our project?

Ответ ясен: мы - сплоченная команда профессионалов в сфере недвижимости, которая взяла на себя ответственность за использование передовых технологий для решения глобальных проблем в этом секторе и для своих участников. Мы применили наши знания для создания многофункционального TheHome . Сегодня портал, отвечающий требовательным требованиям и стандартам рынка, реагирует на ключевые проблемы сектора.

Команда проекта BREM собирается реализовать основные услуги портала и приглашает всех тех, кто заинтересован в разработке проекта, принять участие в кампании до ICO на выгодных инвестиционных условиях и на основной стадии ICO , который состоится 1 ноября 2017 года.



Brem ICO
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