The American Dream

The American Dream is the idea that within America, you are given the opprotunities and freedom to accomplish your goals. In order to do so, you must put hard work and dedication into your life. A goal embodied within the American Dream can be something such as a career or future task. However, in today’s modern age some people are more inclined to complain and demand what they want instead of putting in the effort to acheive it. I believe that people are able to accomplish their goals in today’s world by what they do with opportunity they have. They either live the American Dream or they reject it. There is a saying stated by Cody Sperber a public figure, “Dear Optimist, Pessimist, and Realist, While you guys were busy arguing about the glass of water, I drank it! Sincerely, The Opportunist”(cleverinvestor).

Some people today believe that money is everything and if you don’t have it, you are unsuccessful. Others believe that if your goals do not relate to earning money you will not get anywhere in life.

Jordan Burroughs although not the most well known name in society, is one of the best wrestlers today. He did not grow up rich and he was not the best wrestler in the beginning of his career. But since the age of 5 he has developed into an inspiring wrestler. His dream started at a young age looking up to WWF superstar wrestlers. Since then he has used opportunities to accoplish his goals. He has earned multiple world medals and an olympic gold in 2012. However, the reason he embodies the American Dream is his mentality. In 2016 the Champ lost at the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, taking ninth place. The losses someone takes and how they choose to get back up is what makes them stand out from the rest. The American Dream, his dream is to be the best wrestler he can be. His most famous quote and his instagram name is, “All I see is Gold” (@alliseeisgold).

“About Jordan | Jordan Burroughs.” Husband. Dad. 4x World Champion. 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist., 2018,

ByNancyArmour. “As Jordan Burroughs Matured, He Became an Even Better Wrestler.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 26 July 2016,

