Relationships With Friendship

Within the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald makes it evident that relationships in the 1920’s were determined by men. Furthermore, relationships are based upon what spouses can get out of one another instead giving love and compassion. Cases in which materialism and lust define love have been a major influence on people in history. These are the main reasons relationships fail. Relationships without true love, putting each others needs before their own, are what last.

This is evident with the relationship between Tom and Daisy. Tom determines what happens in the relationship and rules over Daisy. This is one major reason Daisy is not able to divorce Tom, out of fear and the era in which they lived. Additionally, Tom is able to to cheat on Daisy and even with her knowing so, gets away with it. The relationship Tom desires is strictly for pleasure and one sided.

Daisy on the other hand married Tom for his money and power. The protagonist of the story, Gatsby, at one time dated Daisy, however the relationship ended when she could wait no longer for his return from war and his lack of money. She married for security.

Relationships are based on trust and giving everything in one’s self to the partner. Love is not in how wealthy someone is and what they can give you. However, it is rare that someone marries another who can not provide basic necessities. A valuable relationship is one that which is honest, committed, and one where love is on another level above materialism and pleasure. A relationship in which love is made for the right reasons and can be put off until the right time is when you know the relationship is, “legit”. Out of love a baby is made; the creation this baby is to spread love.

In the song “My Best Friend” by Tim McGraw, he talks about how love is more of a friendship than anything else. He uses lyric like, “more than a lover” and “life with you makes perfect sense,” to show how a relationship is built upon basic principles that are simple and trustworthy.

A, Mary. “Tim McGraw — My Best Friend.” YouTube, YouTube, 15 Sept. 2011,

Gallagher, Erin. “20 Years Of Faith Hill And Tim McGraw Prove That True Love Stands The Test Of Time.” Whiskey Riff, 11 May 2016,

