Welcome to BRESSST, a new Fintech cluster to support Startups, Sciences and all Smart initiatives.

Nathalie Coutard
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018
BreSSSt in 1'05 by Anne-Laure Naveos

On July the 19th was launched at West Web Festival « BreSSSt » — Smart Sciences & Startups — new worldwide Fintech cluster based in Brest, Brittany & supported by Arkea.

Bressst gives a base camp to Arkea unique way with entrepreneurs, and a team dedicated to support Startups, Sciences and all Smart initiatives. It aims at federating a whole ecosystem.

Okay, that’s cute on the paper, but everybody aims at that kind of thing nowadays and fintech has become a buzzword in the banking world.

Bressst’s launch at the West Web Festival on July the 19th

The knack of it is #ArkeaTouch , finding value in helping fintech grow and develop. Meeting people in the ecosystem I realized Arkea way with startups is really unique and perfectly incarnated by people like Ronan Le Moal, Anne Laure Naveos in the different partnerships Arkea has made (Leetchi, MangoPay, Pumpkin, Yomoni, …) #NoBullshit #Audace #Respect.

“By bringing together digital ecosystem players in a centre of excellence dedicated to fintechs, we are giving project initiators the means to act and cooperate in a relationship of trust in order to create — together — the bank and world of tomorrow. In this way, we will help to make the fintech sector a driver of long-term growth, on an international scale. It is an undertaking that we are very excited to take on. We are convinced that, with enthusiasm, we will be able to do great things!” Ronan Le Moal

Meet the team

[Meet the team] He’s called Alexandre Léglise , sobriety, efficiency and gentleness incarnate. She’s called AnneLaure_Naveos❤️ and she takes you into the future of banking services, talking about fintech and digital transformation. He’s called Gourmelon Loic, blockchain is his playing field. She’s called Marie Gavériaux and she gives meaning to whatever she touches, putting the impossible within reach. He’s called Maxime Havez able to federate a whole ecosystem around #datasciences. She’s called Julie Jegou expert in ideation and design thinking. He’s called Arnaud Willaime and his passions are about digital and Brest (with one S only). They are called Macha, Anne, Mickaël, Cédric,… and that is only the beginning of BreSSSt ⭐️⭐️⭐️.

The cluster will give project initiators better execution ability by facilitating access to future technologies and make Arkea offers and industrial know-how accessible ; an “à la carte” experience 👌. Bressst is shaped day by day with each person involved, with a test and learn approach. I feel happy and excited to be part of it! ☀️

Now there is much work to be done. See you at Bressst!

The whole keynote at West Web Festival

➡️ A Twitter moment to share more of the event.



Nathalie Coutard
Editor for

💫Fintech 💫 Réseaux #612Rencontres #Bressst #i4Emploi #REDforExecutiveWomen #AdnCitoyens @Avec_Elles @lesquaredarkea @saybressst & promo☘ @wakeup_io