Accordances, Constraints and Social Practices

Brett’s Writing Space
5 min readJan 20, 2023

I will consider different kinds of technologies and discuss how they’ve affected the kinds of physical things people can do, meanings people can express, relationships people can have, thoughts people can think, and the social identities people can assume situations. The digital technologies I will be discussing include traffic signals, ‘smart cards,’ digital cameras, and cash registers.

The technology of Smart Cards has changed a lot over the years. According to, a smartcard is a “Pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits for security-related functions.” Examples of smartcards are credit cards or debit cards. Smart Cards have recently changed from a physical object to being digitized and this makes it a lot easier to use. For example, let’s say you are at a convenience store about to pay for a diet Pepsi and a

bag of chips. Rather than taking the time to open your wallet and take out your credit or debit card, you can now just pay using your phone. Smart Cards have been digitized so that you can scan or enter the information on your physical card to your phone and have access to it that way. An example of such technology is Apple Pay. So, you can just go up to the register, double-click the power button, raise your phone above the reader, and pay just like that.

Digital Cameras have also changed a lot over time. According to Wikipedia, digital cameras are “cameras that capture photographs in digital memory. Most cameras produced today are digital, largely replacing those that capture images on photographic film.,,now widely incorporated into mobile devices like smartphones.” Digital cameras are a great way for people to express meanings in particular situations. For instance, let’s say you are on a cruise with some friends for vacation. You are having a great time and want to capture some exciting moments you have had with your friends while on this cruise. Using the digital camera, you can capture memories with friends, family, etc., people’s expressions, and even take photos of the beautiful world around you.

There are so many kinds of traffic signals. Examples of traffic signals include road signs, traffic lights, the digital crosswalk sign, etc. A lot of road signs are digitalized now, and they have the technology to tell you whether to go, slow down, or stop. In certain states, traffic lights can now be triggered if you flash your headlights. I know that this technology is incorporated in the traffic lights in North Carolina. For example, let’s say you are at a red light and there are no cars in sight. If you flash your high beams and it hits the sensor on the traffic light; it will then signal the light to change. People can have many thoughts when it comes to traffic signals. For instance, you see a road sign that shows deer crossing for the next mile. While driving that next mile you could be thinking about certain scenarios; like if there is a deer, will it stay and stare at the car or will it scared and run across the road, (but which way)?

The cash register has technologically evolved over the years. According to From the Cash Register to Cashless, “Over the next 70 years, technology advancements started to change payments and how those payments were taken, driving the evolution of cash register design. Those advancements included technologies like the credit card.” So, cash registers went from being cash only to being designed to accept payment from credit and debit cards. I feel like there are many social identities people can assume in certain situations when it comes to cash registers. For example, let’s say a man walks into your store with baggy clothes and dirt all over his face and body. He gets a lot of items and walks up to the cash register to pay for them. The cashier then exclaims, “how do you expect to pay for all this?” “Where did you come from; the alley behind the old, abandoned factory?” The man then tells the store clerk, “I’m not homeless; I work at a construction site, I own one of the largest estates in town, and have a wife and four kids that I strive to take care of!” “So, you see just because I look and am dressed like this, doesn’t mean that I am homeless.” As you can see, just because someone is covered in dirt and wearing baggy, ripped clothing; don’t assume that they are homeless and poor. There are so many social identities that people can just assume in specific situations.

In summary, digital technologies have affected the way people see, think, and act in particular situations. I explain how smart cards affect the physical things people do in certain situations. I describe how the technology of smart cards has changed over time. I explain how digital cameras affect how people express meaning in particular situations. I give a description on what a digital camera is and share an example about friends on a cruise for vacation. I follow this with sharing how traffic signals can affect how people think in certain situations. I list some types of traffic signals and give an example of a deer crossing sign. Lastly, I share how cash registers affect how people can assume social identities in particular situations. I share the evolution of the cash register and give an example of a store clerk making a false judgment about a customer trying to pay for his items.

