Social Networks and Social Media

Brett’s Writing Space
3 min readFeb 3, 2023

Social networks have a huge impact on the way people think. They can influence people’s opinions, attitudes, and beliefs by exposing them to a broad range of information and perspectives, including those that are false or misleading. I learned that the algorithmic nature of social media platforms can lead to filter bubbles, where people are mainly exposed to content that aligns with people’s existing beliefs and opinions. The thing that intrigued me was the fact that the effect of social networks on an individual’s thinking is complex and can vary greatly from one person to another.

Social media has changed the way people access information, interact with others, and form opinions. Social media gives users a wider range of perspectives and allows for a more diverse discussion. It also increases the spread of misinformation, strengthens existing biases, and can lead to “echo chambers,” where people are only exposed to opinions that are similar to their own. I was very surprised to hear this because I never heard of “echo chambers” before and I have learned something new. Additionally, a constant exposure to other people’s curated lives on social media can negatively impact mental health and self-esteem.

Social Network

Social media has both positive and negative impacts on the way people think and perceive the world.

Positive impacts of social media on the way people think:

  1. Access to different information and perspectives: Social media platforms provide access to a wide range of information, opinions, and perspectives from a diverse group of people.
  2. Improved communication and connection: social media allows for people to easily communicate and connect with others, including friends, family, and like-minded individuals.
  3. Greater exposure to new ideas: By engaging with diverse groups of people and information, social media can help people get exposed to new ideas and perspectives.

Negative impacts of social media on the way people think:

  1. Spread of misinformation: The spread of false or misleading information on social media can lead to the formation of incorrect beliefs and opinions.
  2. Reinforcement of biases: The algorithms used by social media platforms can reinforce users’ existing biases by showing them content that aligns with their beliefs.
  3. “Echo chambers:” social media can create echo chambers where people only see information that supports their existing beliefs and opinions, leading to a lack of exposure to differing perspectives.
  4. Mental health: The constant exposure to others’ curated lives and the pressure to present a perfect change on social media can lead to feelings of failure and negatively impact one’s mental health.

For me, social media for the most part has had a positive impact on my life. I use it to watch videos, communicate with friends and family, and to gain more information on the things that are of interest to me.

I wasn’t really confused by anything I have learned this week, as I have learned about some of these things in the other social media classes I have taken. Comparing what I have learned from this week to last week, I have learned that YouTube has policies in place to prevent the spread of misinformation throughout their platform and has algorithms that show their users related content.

