Your eyes!

I wonder what all they hold!

Brewed Memories
Aug 13, 2023


© Sonali | Mangalore, Karnataka, India

A ray of hope, a sign of faith,
a pinch of joy with a dash of pain;
I wonder what else did they hold…
Your eyes
tell me stories
...that you never really told!

They look sleepy,
and a tad bit tired.
For how many nites
I wonder,
they didn’t blink;
looking for whom they desired!

And as if the quest
is a never-ending one…
your eyes keep on looking
among people,
tapping their hearts,
piercing through their soul!

Tons of moments, ages of memories,
bundle of emotions
that have been lost…
Your eyes
tell me stories about ‘em
…ones you never really told.!

— Sonali.



Brewed Memories

I love music, travelling, & stories; encouraging sustainable lifestyle. Learning SAAS + B2B | Explored D2C | Published Writer