A year in B2B: A journey of growth and learning!

Exciting, daunting, and full of surprises!

Brewed Memories
3 min readAug 1, 2023


Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Hey there, folks!

So last week, I completed a year with CX! For a lot of reasons, this journey has been a blessing for me. I grew out of myself and, yes, learned so much more.

I had spent a good part of my professional life in agency, B2C, media & D2C — so venturing into B2B was not easy, and yes, it’s a little hard to crack in the beginning.

But, IYKYK! : ) I’m glad I took the leap and hopped onto this rollercoaster.!

If you want a one-line answer for how B2B is, I would say — exciting, daunting, and full of surprises!’

But it’s definitely more than that!

Before I share more about the past year, here’s a little context of what I learned in other industries:

  • Agency — managing accounts, end-to-end client reporting, and closing month-end targets.
  • Media — navigating the dynamic landscape of content creation and marketing.
  • B2C — engaging with end consumers and learning their habits.
  • D2C — understanding customer preferences, driving sales, and building brand loyalty.

What B2B offers?

For me, it was like leaving the city lights for a serene countryside! ❤

Initially, it may feel like a fish out of water, but as one wades deeper, one begins to grasp the intricacies of the industry.

The pace is different, the rules are different, and the players are different. It’s like learning a new language — one that involves technical jargon, industry-specific acronyms, and a distinct set of challenges.

B2B is highly about forging strong, long-lasting relationships with other businesses. It’s about understanding their pain points, offering tailored solutions, and delivering real value.

One of the most striking lessons I’ve learned in B2B is the immense power of collaboration. Unlike the cutthroat competition in B2C/ D2C, B2B thrives on partnerships and mutually beneficial alliances. Building bridges instead of walls is the mantra.

Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned so far:

Clients = Customers

In B2B, you’re dealing with businesses rather than individual customers. Understanding the needs, pain points, and buying motivations of another business requires a different approach than understanding individual customer preferences.

Customer journey = Longer sales cycle

While B2C/ D2C sales can be relatively quick, B2B deals often require nurturing and building relationships over an extended period before closing. So have patience!

Relationship driven

B2B thrives on strong relationships and trust-building. Cultivating long-term partnerships is essential, and businesses often value reliability and consistency over online reviews.

Industry-specific knowledge

B2B requires a deep understanding of the industry you’re serving. To understand market research, I had to become a researcher myself. Knowing specific challenges, regulations, and trends within the industry helps offer valuable solutions.

Marketing channels

B2B marketing often relies on a mix of targeted marketing, networking events, podcasts/ webinars, and content marketing to reach their specific audience. Your regular Instagram strategy won’t work here.

ROI and value

B2B customers focus on the return on investment (ROI) and the value a product/ service brings to their business. Convincing how your product can positively impact their bottom line is the goal here.

And if you are in a B2B product-led startup, it’s a whole different world. I’ll be writing about it soon too.

Summary of the past year is that I’m still uncovering the surprises this industry has got to offer!

Something I knew, forgot, and this journey reminded me is that magic happens outside our comfort zone, and each step, each day, makes us a better human — so, we aren’t supposed to give up.!

As for me, I’m excited to continue this journey, packed with the experiences, lessons, and memories I’ve boxed up along the way.

Here’s to appreciating opportunities, changes, and learnings. ❤❤❤
Happy B2B adventures!




Brewed Memories

I love music, travelling, & stories; encouraging sustainable lifestyle. Learning SAAS + B2B | Explored D2C | Published Writer