Dear love!

Why don’t you come back!?

Brewed Memories
2 min readAug 11, 2023


© Sonali | West Bengal, India

Dear love!

If you could have stayed a lil more,
if you could have lived longer,
I wonder what life could have been for you,
a lil more warm, a lil more merrier!!

You would have loved the evenings of autumn,
the breezy summer mornings,
the smell of mud in the rain,
and the afternoons of winter.

And how you would have dealt with your nites
I wonder!
Would it have been easy or a daily fight with your slumber!?

Oh, I wonder!

How you would’ve treated life!?

With all the cheese and cream,
and coffee around!
Yes, food could have been our forever escape,
books could have enchanted you,
and music, perhaps, been our only solace!

We could have gone to places
to see the mountains and trees.
Or maybe
you would have liked the water more,
yellow beaches and blue seas.

If only you’d lived more!

We’d have laughed together,
cried our heart out,
danced on empty beats,
and drank until we passed out!

We would have made stories,
wrote our own songs.
Because you were my happy place…
my only living home!

But you couldn’t stay any longer!

Dear love!

You took my home with you
and my peace and solace.
I wonder what life could have been with you…
definitely, more than a escape!!

— Sonali.



Brewed Memories

I love music, travelling, & stories; encouraging sustainable lifestyle. Learning SAAS + B2B | Explored D2C | Published Writer