I want the most beautiful death in the world!

And a perfect funeral!

Brewed Memories
2 min readAug 17, 2023


© Sonali | Mangalore, Karnataka, India

I want the most beautiful death in the world…
….and a perfect funeral!!

With my dog by my side,
watching over my cold body like an innocent child.

And my lover shedding a tear or two, clutching my hands,
pondering the dreams we shared and the words I last said.

I want to be in my favourite sneakers and my black tee,
with a watch on my right wrist and a tattoo below the knee.

Oh, and I hope to have a last joint before that,
with a reel of laughter, sorrow, and rage.

I do not want a crowd or any ritual when I die,
just a few friends and my soulmate to bid me goodbye.

I want them to smile when they take me out,
and play my favorite music, the songs I’ve lived by.

And with some effort, if they can, buy me an LBD,
because though death is certain, the age is unknown to me.

I hope they find my letters and burn them in between,
where I’ve thanked my parents for bringing me to life.

And I don’t want them to burn my skin but buy me a piece of land,
where they come to visit me and recall the times we’ve spent.

Wish they bury me without any regret or grouse,
with my favorite books and my secret notes.

And I wish to be taken to that western part of the map,
where I buried my kid; his soul has been put to rest.

I wish my love to touch me for one more last time,
kiss me on my forehead and hug my cold remains.

And I hope he remembers my parents’ souls while burying me,
tell them that I was a good child and a good human being.

And wish he doesn’t forget my only eternal thought,
tell my kid, my brother, that I love him the most!!

— Sonali.



Brewed Memories

I love music, travelling, & stories; encouraging sustainable lifestyle. Learning SAAS + B2B | Explored D2C | Published Writer