Go West: Scale-ups look to the USA for expansion

Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2018

On December 6th, Brewhouse hosted a session with Pick-it CEO Peter Soetens, Ugentec CEO Steven Verhoeven and Haystack founder Ludovic Depoortere on expanding their activities in the US market. Having or setting up presence in the USA is part of the growth ambition of all three scale-ups.

Several topics were discussed like: what are the key differences in market dynamics between both continents or where to locate your office and how to attract and retain local employees and building strong team work bridging multiple time zones?

Experiences about several legal aspects of raising a US local entity and how to organize trade were discussed in more detail as well.

Each of the scale-ups present serve a very different market space but it is amazing to see that sharing experiences reveal significant common grounds. I do thank Peter, Steven and Ludovic for their openness and willingness to share their experiences. Top!

If you like to get shared experiences from peer scale-up managers, contact Brewhouse at sam@brewhouse.be

