Labour’s Internal War: Raising a white flag killed the Conservative Party, Labour must keep its red flag flying.

Roger C.
Brexit Britain
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2017

The Labour Party faces some tough choices. Labour is an amalgamation of:

  • the Labour leadership
  • the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP)
  • the constituency Labour Parties
  • the membership
  • various internal administrative bodies such as the National Executive Committee (NEC)
  • affliiated bodies such as the various trade unions

And then there are community activist groups like Momentum, peripheral lobbying organisations like Progress and other hangers-on dotted around the party. Labour is currently being riven by a faction within the disfunctional Labour family.

Just as John Major’s Tory ‘bastards’ continued to haunt the Conservative Party after tearing it apart in the 1990s, descending the party into a tailspin of sleaze and corruption that brought the Conservative Party to its knees and outlived the public’s tolerance by the 1997 general election, Labour’s Tory ‘bastards’ have repeated the process in Labour.

For the Conservative Party, Tory ideology was rejected by the party when Thatcher was finally deposed in 1990 but the Tories neither packed up their tents nor were excised from the Conservative Party. John Major attempted to suffer the fools as gladly as he could but he could not counter the pervasive stench that attached itself to the Conservative Party from the corpse of Tory ideology. What the Tories proved in the Conservative Party was that a small group within the party could wield a disproportionate influence if it had sufficient access to resources. The resources that the Tories had access to came from outside the Party, wealthy ‘donors’ and backers of ‘conservative think tanks’. The advantage of these outside resources is that they are mobile and can be deployed wherever their wealthy patrons wish. As the Tory parasites killed their host of the Conservative Party, the resources jumped ship to the next viable host, the Labour Party. After 1997, successive Conservative Party leaders did not excise the Tories from within the Conservative Party. The parasites remained mothballed within the Conservative Party, re-emerging once the Conservative Party took power again to subject Britain to their ‘long term economic plan’ including Austerity and continued transferring of public wealth to privateers. Same sleaze, same corruption, same bastards, same outcome.

There is no means within the Conservative Party to fight off these parasites, their Party membership is small and deliberately unengaged; why do people think that the Conservative Party were not permitted a vote on deciding who their Party leader should be in 2016? Why do people think that Labour’s parasites are equally adverse to the Labour Party membership having a say in its affairs?

And there’s the parallel.

Labour ascended to power in 1997, Tony Blair and his cohort attracting the same resources that had backed the Tory parasites in the Conservative Party but had swapped the tag of ‘Tories’ for ‘New Labour’. Just as the parasites in the Conservative Party brought the party down with sleaze and corruption, while serving the interests of those who provided financial resources from outside of the Party, so Labour was eroded from within by the same sleaze, same corruption, same bastards and same outcome. New Labour were finally rejected by the general public in 2010. Just as John Major had not excised the Tories from the Conservative Party between 1990 and 1997, Gordon Brown did not excise New Labour between 2007 and 2010 and, just as successive Conservative Party leaders had failed to excise their parasites whilst out of government, Ed Miliband did not excise them between 2010 and 2015.

Labour’s lesson is clear. The Conservative Party re-entered Downing Street in 2010 and were quickly overrun by their ideological parasites. Access to resources outside of their party, providing a disproportionate political influence, has permitted the Conservative Party’s Tories to dictate their Party’s direction in power, leading to the disastrous state of affairs that Britain currently faces. Same sleaze, same corruption, same bastards. Labour face the same fate. Without question, the current Conservative government are the worst, most vandalous, destructive government in living memory, defined by the two successive worst Prime Ministers/Conservative Party leaders in Britain’s history. Labour’s ‘New Labour’ parasites have attempted to rebrand themselves, including making it an offence for a Labour Party member to use the term ‘Blairite’ to describe people who support the ideological position of New Labour. To talk of ‘New Labour’ now is to be dismissed as a crank. Forget the name, forget the past, repeat history. Same sleaze, same corruption, same bastards.

The Labour Party faces a battle of perception. Labour’s parasites are small in number and attract very little ideological support within Labour, as witnessed by the ‘New Labour’ candidate attracting less than 5% of the leadership vote in 2015, a figure that would almost certainly be even less now if facing a fresh membership vote. The parasites attract so little support and are so few in number that if their public appearances were based on those two factors, you would never hear from them, ever. But their public appearances are bought and paid for by the wealth of ‘donors’ outside of the Labour Party. Does the wealth attract the parasites or do the parasites attract the wealth or both? Whatever the cause, the effect for the Labour Party is a confusion of perception. The general public believe that the Labour MPs who are constantly on the TV or radio or in the papers must be there because they are the most important figures, they must be the ‘best’ MPs. The public are not aware that they are generally the ones within the parasitic cabal. The public do not ask why they are listening to the opinions on Education from one Labour MP instead of from the Shadow Education Minister and Labour suffers when that one MP uses their platform to attack the current leadership.

The solution is simple. The Labour leadership should identify all of the parasitical MPs and sack them but that is, rightfully, not so easy or simple. Labour has rules and committees and the leadership do not control or have a controlling influence over those committees, you guessed it, the parasites do. The parasites embedded themselves into positions of control during the years of New Labour’s control and have become a self-referential self-protection racket. The current leadership have to not only fight the Tories but must reclaim the Labour Party from the parasites in the face of losing the public perception battle. How can the leadership win the war being waged, even if they lose battles along the way? Unlike the Conservative Party, Labour’s membership do have an important influence on the party, they decide who the leadership is. The parasites know this and believe that their best hope in retaking control of Labour is to side-step the membership and bully the leadership into resigning. The parasites secondary plan is to split the membership support.

If the membership continue to stand by the current leadership and the current leadership continue to stand by their mandate to lead then the current leadership will have all the time that they need to excise the parasites from the Labour Party, avoiding the fate of the Conservative Party, overrun by their own ‘wreckers’. Battles will be lost along the way, have already been lost, but the war is still raging and Labour’s public perception can be won back. Mothballing its parasites did not work for the Conservative Party and look at the price Britain is paying for that now.

Needless to say, there are those who oppose the current Labour leadership, for whatever reasons, who will feel aggrieved about talk of parasites, which suits Labour’s parasites just fine. Most in Labour are pragmatists, the parasites managed to convince 172 MPs to vote against the leadership in 2016 because they convinced them that it was the pragmatic thing to do. Whether you support the current leadership or not, the pragmatic thing to do is to excise Labour’s parasites, so that when Labour form their next government, they are not plagued by the same destruction that has befallen the Conservative Party. Labour currently have an opportunity that the Conservative Party never enjoyed, they cannot afford to waste it. Britain are paying the price of the Conservative’s parasites, we can’t afford the same from Labour.



Roger C.
Brexit Britain

Focused on Social Justice, Education, and Politics, with an academic background in social research and Education. My blog