How Freelance Writing Can Transform Your Life

5 reasons to start freelance writing today

Briana Echevarria
Bri Journals
5 min readNov 2, 2023


A woman with curly hair sitting on the floor of an apartment typing on her laptop.
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Have you ever felt trapped by the tradtional career path? The 9-to-5 grind, the dullness of answering to a boss, and the confinements of office walls? For the longest time, the idea of a ‘successful’ career revolved around these norms. However, times have changed, and the landscape of the professional world has undergone a dramatic makeover.

In recent years, the rise of freelancing has shattered the barriers of what a career entails. It has rewritten the very definition of professional success, offering individuals the autonomy to pave their paths, choose their projects, and dictate their schedules. Amongst the land of freelancing, the field of freelance writing has emerged as a possibility, offering a unique avenue for creative freedom and a fulfilling career.

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about a life where your words hold power and resonance, where your ideas flow freely onto the page, and where your creativity knows no bounds? Is the idea of becoming a freelance writer a recent thought or a thought that you’ve been going back and forth on for a while? If so, there’s no better moment than now to take that leap and embark on the journey toward the career of your dreams.

And here’s why:

Be your own boss

Being a freelance writer means you’re the boss. You get to decide how much work you take on, when you work, and even how much you earn. Unlike a regular office job, where every aspect of your work life is predetermined for you, freelancing lets you create your own path. Whether you’re an early bird who thrives during the day or a night owl who finds inspiration in the late hours, as a freelance writer, you get to tailor your schedule to suit your unique preferences. Moreover, you have the autonomy to choose the projects that excite you, allowing you to put your passion and expertise into every piece of work you do. The liberation of being your own boss goes beyond work — it’s about creative fulfillment and personal growth too.

Opportunies for growth and development

In a regular job, you might work hard, hoping for a promotion or a raise, but the final decision often lies in someone else’s hands. However, with freelancing, although hard work remains essential, the direction of your progress is firmly in your control. You can choose the projects and clients that match your goals and values, allowing you to build a career that reflects your passions and strengths. As a freelance writer, you can specialize in a particular niche, establishing yourself as an authority in your chosen field, which can attract higher-paying clients who value your expertise.

Working with diverse clients across various industries is another option. This opportunity offers you the chance to explore different topics and writing styles, broadening your skill set and helping you develop an understanding of various tones and voices. This, in turn, enables you to adapt your writing to resonate with diverse audiences and purposes. This way, you grow not only as a writer but also as a versatile professional with extensive experience and skills.

High earning potential

One of the most exciting advantages of being a freelancer is the potential for a substantial income. As a freelance writer, you get to set your rates, which can vary based on your niche, experience, and the quality of your work. As you continue to grow and refine your skills, you have the opportunity to increase your rates in alignment with your expertise. This means that your income can scale alongside your development as a writer, creating a direct correlation between your efforts and your earnings.

Additionly, freelance writers can createpassive income streams through projects like affiliate marketing, e-books, and online courses. These projects are what I like to call “making money in your sleep.” Once you’ve put in the initial work and launched these projects, they continue to generate income without requiring additional effort. It’s a one-and-done deal; you set up the work, and as people purchase and engage with your offerings, you earn money effortlessly. These additional income streams contribute significantly to the potential for a higher overall income, offering freelance writers an avenue to multiply their earning potential beyond client work.

Work from anywhere

For me, one of the most exciting aspects of freelancing is the ability to work from anywhere. In a regular job, you’re often stuck within office walls, but as a freelancer, you have the freedom to work from wherever suits you best, whether it’s a cozy home office, a lively coffee shop, or a stunning beach house. You can customize your workspace to fit your needs and boost your productivity.

And the best part? If you want to take a two-week trip to Hawaii, you can still work from there! No need to worry about asking for time off or rearranging your schedule. As long as you have your laptop and an internet connection, you can continue your work from anywhere, even while enjoying the sunshine in Hawaii. While I strongly recommend taking proper time off during vacations to relax fully, it’s nice to know that the option to earn an income while sipping a drink on a Hawaiian beach is always there.

Work-life balance

While writing might be your passion and the idea of making a living from it fills you with excitement, it’s important to remember that being a freelance writer also allows you the time to pursue other interests and spend quality moments with the people who matter most to you. With the freedom to create your own schedule and choose your working hours, it becomes much easier to prioritize time for loved ones and personal projects than it would be in a traditional job setting.

This flexibility is beneficial for everyone, but it’s especially valuable for parents who aspire to be more present in their family life. Whether it’s attending your child’s school events, taking them to extracurricular activities, or simply enjoying quality time together at home, being a freelance writer allows you to mold your work hours around the needs of your family. It helps you balance your work and personal life, so you can focus on both your career and the people you love

In conclusion, if any of these reasons appealed to you, it might be time to take the leap and venture into the world of freelancing. Remember, this journey will look different for everyone. Some may dive into freelancing full-time, while others may start gradually while still holding another job. The key is to do what feels right for you and your unique circumstances. Embrace the freedom, explore your passions, and make the most of the flexibility that freelance writing offers. If you’d like, you can follow my freelancing journey on my Instagram for more tips and insights on navigating this exciting path.

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