How to Prepare for Major Life Changes

8 ways to prepare for and embrace change

Briana Echevarria
Bri Journals
5 min readOct 20, 2023


a brown and tan butterfly emerging from it’s chrysalis
Photo by Pixabay

You may be reading this because things around you seem to be changing but you don’t know how to deal with the sudden life changes or maybe you are not satisfied with your life and you are looking for a change. No matter the case, change is a challenging process that requires a lot of effort. But it can, of course, be worth it.

During these times of change, it can be tempting to ignore what’s happening around you and hold on tightly to the remnants of your old life. However, this negligence can strip you from the opportunity of having a smooth transition. If you want to embrace all of life’s changes and learn to adapt then you need to allow yourself the time to prepare for such changes. Here are 8 ways to prepare for major life changes:

1. List All the Positive Outcomes

Change can be stressful for just about anyone and in these moments of stress, it can be quite easy to think about all the things that could possibly go wrong. That is why it is so important to start your mental preparation by thinking about all the good that can come from this change.

Write down all the positive outcomes that may arise from this transition. Refer back to this list as often as needed. This list will remind you that while change can be overwhelming, it can also lead to better things.

2. Identify Your Obstacles

No matter where we are in life, obstacles will always arise. You have dealt with obstacles in the past and you will most likely have to deal with them in the future. As such, it is important to acknowledge these obstacles so you can plan ahead.

Don’t allow obstacles to hinder your growth. Take charge and ask yourself:

  • What are obstacles that you have faced in the past? How did they effect you?
  • What obstacles may you encounter in the future? How will you handle them?

The unfortunate truth is that change may be accompanied by some negative consequences. Similar to preparing for obstacles, you can prepare for these negative consequences.

3. Plan for Negative Consequences

Write a list of some negative outcomes that may come from this life transition. Separate these outcomes into two columns: those that will be easy to bear and those that will be difficult to deal with.

For the more difficult consequences, create a plan for how you will cope with them if they were to arise. This could be anything from meditation to going for walks, talking to a friend, or whatever works best for you.

By incorporating these stress-relieving and enjoyable activities into your day you are creating some sense of comfort for yourself.

4. Acknowledge Discomfort

Change forces us outside of our comfort zone which in turn can create worries and anxieties.

These feelings are normal. Accept them and acknowledge them. Once you acknowledge your discomfort and begin to open up to others as well as yourself then you will start to overcome the fears and anxieties that are holding you back.

“Fear, uncertainty and discomfort are your compasses toward growth. If you run you stand a chance of losing, but if you don’t run you’ve already lost.”

~ Barack Obama

A flower in all it’s stages from a bud to a flower in full bloom
Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

5. Take Action

When we are constantly worrying about what’s going to happen next, we water the seed of anxiety and allow it to grow throughout us.

One of the best ways to counter this worry is to take action. Focus on the things you can do now rather than the things to come. For example, if you are starting college for the first time and you are worried about getting lost and not making it to class on time then visit your school a day before classes start and map out your route. Get a feel for the layout of the school and figure out the best route to get from one class to the next. Taking charge of change will ease your anxieties and make you feel more confident going forward.

6. Maintain Some Normalcy

Even with major life changes, you will most likely have something in your life that will remain the same. For example, if you are moving to another country remember that just because your surroundings will be new and different doesn’t mean that everything you ever knew will disappear. Even in another country, you can still maintain some form of normalcy, such as relationships with your loved ones, listening to your favorite songs, partaking in your favorite hobbies, or even establishing a similar morning/night routine.

Acknowledging the things that will remain the same, and keeping them the same, will help give your life a sense of regularity amidst the change.

7. Be Patient With Yourself

Adapting to change takes time. When you’ve just had a major life change do not expect yourself to get along swimmingly. There will be a time period in which you will be adjusting to the change and that is okay. Take everything one day at a time and before you know it you’ll be well adjusted and all the things that seemed so scary to you before will no longer place fear in your heart.

8. Find a Support Group

Support groups are a great way to get you through a difficult time in your life. When you are going through change, times will get tough, situations will arise, and anxieties will make themselves known. In these moments we should turn to others who can lift us up.

Your support group does not only have to be friends and family, you can find support groups of like-minded individuals online as well. Check out Facebook groups, blogs, and forums such as Reddit. You are bound to find a great group of people who will bring you comfort and joy during your difficult times.

Change is scary but necessary. We will all experience life’s changes at some point in time but it’s up to you to decide if the change is for better or worse. Having the ability to prepare for and manage life changes is a valuable skill. When you prepare yourself for change, you may be surprised by your adaptability and how much you are able to achieve.

Article originally published on my blog.

