Exclusive Interview with Prime Minister Vikash Ramotar

Michael Concord
The Indian Loop


Today we spoke with the current Prime Minister of India, Vikash Ramotar. We covered various different topics.

Question 1: With the G7 coming up can you tell us what you think about the current situation for BRI and foreign relations? And what do you plan to do with that situation and the current relations?

BRI’s foreign relations are in a stable state; however, I think there’s room for improvement. I will invite other world leaders over when the Prime Minister’s residence is fully constructed for state visits although I think this question fits the President more than me due to him handling everything formal and ceremonial.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Official Portrait of Vikash Ramotar During his Term as Minister of External Affairs (January, 2021)

Question 2: What are the policies and views that your cabinet and your party focus on? And why in the election coming up, should we vote for you and not the Liberals?

Well, our party is one for all. In terms of political positions, we’re more center-left — left-wing, some major issues we tend to focus on are Poverty and Climate Change. I am personally vested in Poverty due to my growing up in poverty as a young kid. But I do see our party as a very hard-working and diverse one, the same can be said for our cabinet; it’s diverse I am sure you’re aware we have the Liberal Leader as our Education Minister. And lastly, I believe in peaceful politics, while I do wish the democratic party can win the upcoming election the most we can do is present our agenda and hope the people will like it and vote for us.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Question 3: You have been in politics for a while now, and when Thomas Arnosk first started politics, you were more experienced than him. So why were you willing to leave your current party, to join a very small party at the time, the Democratic Party?

I left because I saw potential, I saw him grow up in front of my own eyes as a teen. His step-father (or uncle) was my best friend but I considered him a brother. He was always passionate for business and when he touched politics was really excellent at it.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Vikash Ramotar’s Campaign Photo (January, 2021)

Question 4: Recently we saw that in the Lok Sabha session, BRI has cut off protection with BUAE. Can you please tell us the full reason why you think that the President proposed this, and why it was accepted by the house?

Well, we tried protecting them because of Kendrick Dabo, he was, and still is, unprofessional. We’ve told President Wellington multiple times to fire him and jail him, yet he still doesn’t do it. Why? His answer is always the same: “I’ll lose my palace, my limo, and my farm”. He cares more about some material things than he does his nation. That’s the reason why he never can get recognized by other nations excluding ripoffs and will never be unless he changes. I think the President was sympathetic but realized we’ll never get anywhere covering for BUAE’s actions and that is why he cut the alliance and protection.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Question 5: After recent attacks against the President and other members of the community from Harvey Galloway, what is your opinion on Harvey’s argument?

I’d rather not answer that question for the sake of keeping things peaceful.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Vikash Ramotar’s Portrait During his First Term as Prime Minister (February, 2021)

Question 6: Lately, BRI released their constitution. It received some attacks at first for containing things like drugs age and sex age. Can you please explain to us what the purpose of this was in the constitution.

Well, you see the reason for us putting those clauses in our constitution was solely for realism purposes, we never intended to incite those actions as some are implying. As you’re aware every single nation has an age of consent in real-life, because of people saying our nation was “unprofessional” we tried to be professional by adding them in.

— Vikash Ramotar, MP

Vikash Ramotar’s Cabinet Portrait (March, 2021)

Thank you for visiting the Bloxburg Times of India! More interviews coming soon!

-TOI, Asia’s №1 News Supplier

