G7 Tomorrow in Poland

Michael Concord
The Indian Loop


Tomorrow, 7 leaders of the most influential and powerful nations of the Bloxburg political community come together to discuss various different topics. This March, the summit will take place in Warsaw, Poland and will be hosted by Andrzej Duda. The BRP (Bloxburg Republic of Poland) President. The topics will be the same as the last summit. As not all the topics that were proposed last time were discussed. We are not entitled to announce the neighbourhood or the time, as the summit is not open to the public.

Several leaders have already announced that they have left their nations to go to Poland. Both the Asian countries in G7, ROK and BRI, have both already left. So has BUSA. However nations like Germany, France, and Austria have either left later or have not left yet, due to their geographical location relating to Poland.

