Education and Career Goals

Brian Nelson
Brian Nelson
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2020
Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

My road through web development has been a long interesting one that morphed from computer science through the DGM department, deep in the UX side of things and finally over to the Web Development.

My present education goals are to graduate finally! It’s been a long road. Before that happy day my top two priorities would be one to gain the knowledge that would help me feel confident doing work in my field. I want to be at least somewhat competent in entry level skills so in whatever job I’m in i can live without the fear that I may not be able to deliver. My secondary goal would be to learn how to read and interpret things that help me maintain knowledge further in the future. It’s impossible to know everything so being able to know what to google, know how to interpret what I find, and finally be able to apply those things in solving problems.

My entry level career goal has two parts. I would like to be able to have the ability/skills to do some freelancing both for learning and portfolio building purposes. After that, and if things align I would like to entry at a company that’s into sustained normal growth and not any real crazy startup culture.

My long term goal is to work my way up in a stable company, have a stable job, and continue to add on to my skills. I would like to feel good about where I work and feel justified in the money I earn.

