My Favorite Beginner VSCode Extensions

Brian Nelson
Brian Nelson
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2021


Extensions might be a hard thing to get ahold of when you’re just starting out. They tend to use some weird jargon and specific wording that you may not be familiar with if all you know is html and css. These extensions are all extensions that help me out as a beginner to better and more efficiently use VScode.

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash


One of the things I always struggled with in Javascript is lawless crazy unorganized mess it is. Eslint is the best thing that I know of to wrangle in Javascript and keep it to some sort of rule of law. The customizability helps it to be actively applied to most developer situations while also working well in a default setting for beginners and hobbyist.


I rely on prettier to format my code to a degree. It’s not perfect but if you want to quickly make your work readable and your maybe a little uh… lazy..(I like to call it efficient) It’s a good option. If you consider eslint like a spelling and grammar checker. Prettier is more like something that makes sure your paragraphs all look decent.

Vscode Icons

This one might be small deal to to other people however for me I really like to see the little icons for my folders and files. Vscode is a simple little plugin that gives you icons on the side of your folder explorer.

Git History

This a super awesome and simple way to visualize what is happening with your git files. If you’re really new to git I feel that it's really helpful to have visual cues to what happening in that invisible git box. Even if you know your git, things can get big and complicated and this can help!

Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

Following and mixing up brackets is something that really tripped me up as a beginner and continues to trip me up (there is so much to learn I’m not sure I ever won’t be a beginner). Bracket Pair Colorizer help you know visually which brackets go with which line to better help your read code.


There are probably many more useful and interesting plugins out there. They’re always being updated and changed as well as just dying off. It’s good to learn how to use extensions and which ones to use early on. Streamline your work early and avoid rookie mistakes and you’ll be ahead of the crowd.

Brian Nelson is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Web & App Development. The following article relates to a project that involved setting up VScode to use as a main IDE in the DGM 2120 Course and representative of the skills learned.

