How I Plan to Cure My Dog’s Boredom

Brian — The Man Behind The Pen
4 min readFeb 10, 2020


Dog dad to the rescue!

This mini golden retriever mix with dazzling blue eyes stole my heart over a year ago.
Not only did she win my heart, but she also won my grandmother’s. She’s been my best friend ever since. When I moved to Michigan in April, she was right by my side with her tail wagging furiously.

Due to some unfortunate events, Ginger isn’t allowed out of my room unless it’s under special conditions. She can go outside with the other two dogs, but she can’t be in the upstairs family room. We’re keeping the dogs separated for everyone’s best interest.

Being stuck in one room can drive anyone mad, so just imagine what it does to a very social dog.
Even me being in here with her isn’t enough to keep her from whining and becoming restless at times. Retrievers are known for intelligence, so I had just the toy type in mind to keep her occupied.

She’s a smart dog. A while back, I bought the Kong ball that has the hollow center for peanut butter. It took her no time at all to figure out that if she can get the ball on her dog bed she won’t have to chase it around the room.

