Is A Wall Worth More Than American Lives?

Brian — The Man Behind The Pen
4 min readJan 14, 2019


Imagine knowing your blood sugar is dangerously high, looking in the refrigerator and seeing two vials of insulin, and feeling like you can’t take any.

Imagine going to sleep at night and wondering if you’ll wake up because you couldn’t lower your blood sugar.

Mallory Lorge is one of the 800,000 federal workers forced into a financial crisis due to Donald J. Trump’s childlike tantrum over his fantasy wall. She has type 1 diabetes and her copay for insulin is $300.

Lorge is now forced to ration her insulin because she can’t afford to get anymore due to the government shutdown.Countless federal workers took to social media platforms to show their check stubs showing an amount of $0.00.

Imagine securing a job working for the government.

You think it’s steady because it’s the government. The government is always open, right? You get to work serving for fellow Americans.

It’s the holiday season. You’re shopping for gifts and big family dinners. You’re buying last minute decorations to make your house look like a HallMark or Walmart commercial. You can’t wait to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

