The Corporate Media Convinced Millions That Bernie Was “Unelectable”

Brian P. Mangan
Upper East Side Politics
1 min readJul 7, 2020

** Medicare for All is majority popular among Democrats
** Green New Deal is majority popular among Democrats
** Wealth Tax is majority popular among all Americans
** Bernie won the popular vote in the first three primaries (never been done before in a competitive primary)
** Bernie is the most popular politician in America by favorability
** Bernie was rated the best on income inequality, climate change, and healthcare
** Bernie had the most volunteers, the most donors and the most money

But Bernie lost. He lost to a man who placed 4th and 5th in the first two primaries. The healthcare candidate lost in the middle of a global pandemic. The racial justice candidate lost just as the nation was about to be rocked by the most revolutionary protests in a generation.

Regardless of who you liked in the primary, it is very important for every person to ask “why” that happened.

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