The Current Political Realignment

Brian P. Mangan
Upper East Side Politics
1 min readJun 29, 2020

There is a major political realignment happening. Donald Trump, as terrible as he is, has played on the desire of Americans to have a pro-working class, anti-corruption, populist leader. Republicans, whether they know it or not, are more progressive than ever. Meanwhile, the Democratic leadership positions itself more as anti-Trump than “for” anything.

Democrats meanwhile have done everything in their power to defeat the progressive movement in favor of the Joe Biden types, claiming to try to win the votes in the center. With social issues like gay marriage pretty much settled for 80% of people, socially-liberal Republicans and corporate Democrats have become nearly indistinguishable.

Fifteen years ago it seemed like Democrats and Republicans were far apart. But today? Donald Trump aside, who is more likely to get us to universal healthcare first, Mitt Romney or Nancy Pelosi? Who is more likely to raise taxes on the rich, Andrew Cuomo or John Kasich? Who is more likely to slash the military budget and invest in jobs, Rand Paul or Amy Klobuchar? I honestly don’t know.

It will be interesting to see what happens if, god willing, Joe Biden wins and we can deliver a Democratic Senate and House and get power out of the hands of the extremist part of the Republican Party.

