Why is the Leadership of Both Parties to Our Right?

Brian P. Mangan
Upper East Side Politics
1 min readJun 29, 2020

The political “center of gravity” for our Democratic leadership is far to the right of the Democratic electorate. Democrats overwhelmingly support Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, the Wealth Tax, higher tax rates on the rich, College for All, etc.

I also said the other day that Republicans are a lot more progressive today than I think people realize, but I wasn’t clear if I meant the leadership or the electorate. As with Democrats, I believe Republican leadership is also far to the right of the electorate.

A recent poll showed 46% of Republicans support Medicare for All. 42% of Republicans support raising the minimum wage. Republicans now support coronavirus bailouts (they opposed them in 2008). The same number of young Republicans (18–29) have an unfavorable view of billionaires as older Democrats (50+) do.

Why is the leadership of BOTH parties to the right of their electorates? I think the answer is clear.

Related reading: https://truthout.org/articles/the-democratic-party-is-further-to-the-right-than-most-voters/?utm_campaign=Truthout+Share+Buttons&fbclid=IwAR3zPUvtPLVNJ-vscZogf2o0vlcOqIgy6WhU6L6Hij6vDxmMQBMkEcXGbow

