15 August 2003

Brian Duff
Brian’s Ancient Blog Posts
1 min readJan 3, 2020

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 15 August 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

As mentioned here, things are looking good for a release of the JDeveloper 10g preview in time for OracleWorld in the second week of September. I get a general sense that things are on track for this. We’re in bug fix approval mode at the moment, meaning management must approve all fixes before they’re checked in. Historically, entering this mode has been a good indicator that the final countdown has started.

Over the last week, a group of expert testing sessions were held both here in Reading, UK and at HQ in Redwood Shores, CA. The feedback has been, on the whole, quite positive.

It was great to meet some of our customers at the UK session. Undeterred by the distinctly un-British hot weather and broken airconditioning at the start of the week, they bashed the heck out of a couple of early pre-preview release builds. Several of them were Oracle SCM and CVS users, and they had many interesting things to say (both about things they liked, and things they’d like to see improved).

