8th August 2003

Brian Duff
Brian’s Ancient Blog Posts
1 min readJan 1, 2020

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 8 August 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

Thought I’d have a look to see what’s involved in becoming a Java Community Process member. I want to have a look at some of the JSRs that are currently in the community review stage….

There’s probably some way I can do this via Oracle, since it’s an executive committee member, but tracking down the right person to contact about such things in an organization the size of Oracle is a task that fills me with dread.

Anyway… I thought I’d try this as an individual first. I was pleased to see this is free for individuals (there’s nothing more effective at destroying online communities than charging exorbitant fees). However, the membership instructions seem to indicate that you have to fill out a form… A paper form… With a pen (shock)… And snail mail it…(gasp)

I suppose it’s a sign of the times that I found that quite surprising. Maybe I sort of expected a process that’s so strongly centered around technology to actually.. erm.. use some of it.

Modern notes from Future Brian:

The Java Community Process was an attempt to provide more involvement in the future direction of Java. I don’t remember if I ever sent that form, but I did end up writing much of the detail in the final version of JSR-198 (despite being uncredited) long after this was written. It has cool diagrams that I generated in JDeveloper :)

