Showgrid Story #1

Davis Hunt
Brick Mag
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2016

I found myself in an electronics store late yesterday afternoon buying materials to put a new radio in my car.

Being a person who assembles a weekly newsletter about live music in Nashville, I am constantly noting what is playing where. I am, after all, a professional. At the electronics store it was no different.

Remotely located deep in the recesses of Nashville, I knew the scene would be weird when I noted the windows rattling on the front of the store as I pulled in. Once inside, I couldn’t help but notice the music.

To demo the awe-inspiring power of a set speakers that broke through the top of the building, had seagulls circling them and disappeared into the clouds, the store played Flo Rida’s ‘My House’ at deafening volume.

People were cupping their hands around each other’s ears to relay vital information. All excessive run of the mill talk was axed in an effort to protect one’s vocal chords. Employees maintained stolid, unaffected faces despite the vibe being similar to that of a very windy, sandy beach.

My first thought was, “Turn that shit down… I gotta get out of here as fast as possible…” And in a fit of urgency, I pushed past a line of waiting customers and declared why I was there. “I need a 2 DIN installation kit for a ’90 Buick” I yelled at the top of my lungs. No one heard me. A large man pushed me back with his arm and I went hurtling into the giant speakers, bringing the music to a halt and getting the attention of an attendant in the process. Bingo.

Profuse apologies followed, the music was restarted, and after negotiating a common communication protocol involving a mix of hand gestures and way too intimate ear talk, I got the materials, soldered some wires and now I can listen to “I’m In Love With My Car” while doing 60 in quiet neighborhoods.

