Death, Grammys, WWE.

How to deal with death and annoying celebrities? — Musings on some critical and most useless stuff

Adesh Acharya
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by Sacre Bleu on Unsplash
  • Existence is ruthless.
    If living wasn’t difficult enough, we are forced to live with death too:
    Thoughts of death, fear of death, sadness of death. Our death. Death of our loved ones.
    Hearing about the British king’s cancer today hit me with a special-death anxiety. See, I have normal death anxiety whenever I think or hear of death. Special death anxiety is simply normal death anxiety with the additional ‘if even this guy couldn’t make it, what chances do I/my loved ones have?’ anxiety.
  • For some, distraction is the best method of dealing with death anxiety: Forget about death. Think and feel something else. If death comes, it comes. Don’t waste your life in fear.
    For some, 24/7 contemplation of death is the way to go:
    Always think about death. It can come anytime and anywhere. Live your life as if it is your last day. Overcome the fear of death and live with this idea.
    In me, it works something like this:
    I forget about death while I distract myself with the most mundane stuff like my professional ambition, unsaved five dollars, hatred toward celebrities, WWE, smokes, drinks. Until…I hear of death and start to get anxious and forget all the mundane. And then I think and worry about death until I find something to

