Musings on Art, Life, AI, Sleep.

And…What are the three greatest human inventions?

Adesh Acharya
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2024


Photo by David Clode on Unsplash
  • Music is a good art form. If done well, music can make existence better.
    But pop music and pop stars are overrated. I mean, when Nietzsche said without music life would be a mistake, I can guarantee you he wasn’t talking about Taylor Swift.
  • A new narrative is here: AI will threaten tech jobs.
    I don’t meme but this is perfect for this occasion.
  • All this narrative and hype is overrated.
    Once a writer wrote with a typewriter on a paper. When computers came, the writer wrote with a computer in a dull computer. And now the writer writes with an advanced computer in an advanced computer.
  • A programmer programmed dull computers in low-level languages. When that made the computers better, the programmer programmed in high-level languages. And now they will program in whatever-level languages the advanced computers need to be programmed in.
  • This is the perfect time for programmers to read Isaac Asimov’s Profession.
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