This Week’s 10 Reflections

Jealousy, dreams, Buddhism…

Adesh Acharya
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2024


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  1. Sitting down to write is when I pay the best attention to what’s happening in my life, my family, and the world. This is when I am like a cameraman adjusting his lens for the best focus. I am not satisfied until the focus is clear on my life, family, and the world. I take a shot. That’s enough.
    There’s no other activity that allows me to do all this. Dreams come the closest.
    Thinking is like looking with hazy lens.
    Speaking is like taking a video.
  2. That’s why we should read what others write. What they wrote is what they saw best when they were writing and editing. That’s important cause we never know what brilliant thing someone might be looking at.
    And when we read, we are doing our best to focus on what’s being shown.
    And that’s important cause we never know what brilliant thing we might be missing.
  3. Some prefer listening to audio or watching videos. All good. But listening and watching feel like external activities to me. They are social and environmental. Writing feels internal and personal. Like dreaming.
    Each has its uniqueness. We are both outside and inside.
  4. This week I discovered a great use of external communication for my internal cure. I cured jealousy towards a co-worker simply by telling my wife that I was jealous of him.

