What Makes Me Irrelevant?

Adesh Acharya
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2024


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  • I had a series of stunning dreams yesterday. I jumped across tall buildings, visited a cousin in Australia, saw a ghost, made a big mistake at work, and experienced a lot more I can’t remember.
    Besides making mistakes at work, I can guarantee you I haven’t consciously thought about jumping buildings or hemispheres or realms. Yet my mind brought those things up, proving once again that the tool that dreams isn’t under my control at all.
  • I love dreams. Even if they freak me out once in a while. I love them because they show me stuff way intense and rich than the information I receive from my mundane life. (I mean jumping across tall buildings is way for entertaining and engaging than watching The Rock fake bout Cody Rhodes, isn’t it?)
  • From the first and the second points, it’s obvious that I am trying to talk about the part of my mind that I can perceive but is not under my control. I mean the ‘subconscious’ mind. I call it subconscious because it is neither conscious nor unconscious. I could have called it semiconscious or shadow-conscious, too. But I chose the term ‘subconscious’ because it’s more popular and prevalent.
    And why do I care about those things??? — It’s because I am writing and publishing on a public platform.
    (When will I get to stop justifying myself to you?)
  • What I mean to say is that the subconscious mind is knowledgeable…

